حل جميع مشاكل كروس فاير resolve all proplems Cf Blaze 1 - Can not find BlazeCF.exe If you have this error, go to the game folder and run the file BlazeCF.exe, if the error is not lost, install the files from the "Redistributable Packages" (x86 is for 32 bit systems). 2 - This program can not be started because d3dx9 _ ??. Dll is missing With this error you just need to go to the website and download the game Direct X9 - Downloads >> BlazeCF Official Website 3 - Failed to Connect to Host Server You need to disable your firewall, to do this, click Start - Control Panel - Firewall Windows - Enable or disable the firewall Windows - Disable the firewall on, press save. 4 - Out of Memory Open a CMD (Start - Search programs and files - type cmd and press enter) Enter "bcdedit / set IncreaseUserVa 3072" without brackets. Restart the computer. 5 - Initialization Failed [13] / [12] Maintenance work carried out on or off a patch server! Or, open the game folder file "CFFS_.....ini", and replace all this: [CONFIG] URL = 6 - XIGNCODE3 This is often the users with drivers "Nvidia", you need to go to the C: \ Program Files (x86) \ NVIDIA Corporation \ coprocmanager and rename the file "Nvd3d9wrap.dll" in "Nvd3d9wrap.dll.bak" (without brackets), further back in the folder, and if you "Neto" file ltmsg.dll then you download it here - http://egy.egynt.net/136070.html 7 - Send Error Report You need to disable your anti-virus, Firewall and disable Defender Windows. If the problem persists, go to Start - Computer - right click - Properties - Advanced System Settings - Where speed, press Options - Data Execution Prevention - Turn on DEP for all programs except - Add - BlazeCF.exe - Apply.
رد: resolve all proplems Cf Blaze اخى بالنسبه للمشكلة دي (Failed to Connect to Host Server) انا قفلت الفايروول من كل اتجاة واللعبه فتحت تمام لاكن؟؟ اجى اخش جيم اللعبه تحمل للنص كدا وبعد كدا يظهرلى مشكلة بالشكل دة واللعبه متخرجش تفضل مفتوحة الحل لو سمحت ؟
رد: resolve all proplems Cf Blaze و دا المباشر http://s158.turbobit.net:9018/downl...7605111&sign=6836d1baec3aa205e2299b58b4e3fc68
رد: resolve all proplems Cf Blaze طب انا عندي اللعبه بتفتح لغايط ال login بعد كده اكتب الاميل و الباسورد و ادوس ok ميحصلش حاجه تفضل وقفه علي كده يبقي ايه المشكله