حصريا برنامج المحادثة الشهيرSkype Final في اخر اصداراته بحجم 21 مبجا

Discussion in 'ايجى نت البرامج العام' started by Aloudy, May 11, 2010.

  1. Aloudy

    Aloudy Active Member

    Skype Final

    Skype Final | 21 Mb

    Skype is the next phenomenon from the people who brought you KaZaA. Just like KaZaA, Skype uses P2P (peer-to-peer) technology to connect you to other users – not to share files this time, but to talk and chat with your friends. The technology is extremely advanced – but super simple to use... You’ll be making free phone calls to your friends in no time!​

    Skype was founded in 2003 by Niklas Zennstr?m and Janus Friis. Skype created a little piece of software that makes communicating with people around the world easy and fun. With Skype you can say hello or share a laugh with anyone, anywhere. And it’s free. Skype is available in 28 languages and is used in almost every country around the world. Skype generates revenue through its premium offerings such as making and receiving calls to and from landline and mobile phones, as well as voicemail and call forwarding. Skype, based in Luxembourg, has relationships with a growing network of hardware and software providers and is an eBay company.​

    -License: Freeware​

    -Release: 10/05/2010​


    Download Links



    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 20, 2010
  2. nansy

    nansy Member

    دمت بنشاطك الجميا
    دمت بسعاده
  3. MohameD

    MohameD .:: C.E.O ::. Staff Member

    روعة ياعلى
    تسلم الايادى ومنتظر منك جديدك
  4. MASk

    MASk New Member

    تسلم ايديك

    EGYMAN New Member

    شكرا ياغالى
    وجارى التحميل
  6. يسلمو الايادى لودى عالمجهود الرائع
    فى انتظار جديدك
  7. قمر

    قمر Active Member

    رد: حصريا برنامج المحادثة الشهيرSkype Final في اخر اصداراته بحجم 21 مبجا

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