تطبيقات اندرويد , تطبيق تقليل استخدام البطاريه , تطبيق Battery Saver PRO v2.0.4

Discussion in 'منتدى اجهزة الاندرويد Android' started by رائد منير, Feb 27, 2015.

  1. رائد منير

    رائد منير Active Member

    Battery Saver PRO v2.0.4


    Master your save battery skills & phone boost skills easily! This app helps users Save battery life with ONE-TAP by optimizing phone settings which functions as Memory Cleaner, App Killer, Task Killer, and Various Function Controller. On top of that, with Deep Sleep Mode Configuration - Normal / Smart / Advanced / Custom / you can easily change the Battery Saver Mode to prolong your battery life. App Consumption Mode geared as well, letting you understand which Application consumes the battery the most. Super useful battery saver widget, and many more features. If properly used, this app can save battery power up to 2x-4x more, boost your phone go lot faster! Yet, This app is Extremely Easy.

    5 in 1 Toolbox Mix App! – One-Tap Optimizer including Memory Cleaner, Junk Cleaner, Task Killer, Functions Controller. Charging Mode - Track your phone remaining time. App Consumption Tracker - See which application consumes the battery the most. Deep Sleep Mode - Configure your custom saving mode with one-tap! And Super Easy Widget. 5 Features but it's still VERY EASY TO USE! Download this app/widget, become a master of Android Optimizer!

    One-Tap Optimizer (including Memory Cleaner/Junk Cleaner/Task Killer)
    Cleans up Memory, Kills tasks with extremely simple one-touch "Optimize" button to save energy!
    Indicates how many hours you can save with one-tap. Defend your phone from drain!
    Sleep Mode Battery Saver
    Eventhough you are not using the phone, it syncs data every seconds that will drain your battery life.
    While not using your phone, set your "Sleep Mode" to save battery!
    App Consumption Tracker / Uninstaller
    Tracks and shows you which app drains & save battery life at certain level
    Choose the app that drains the most and Uninstall/or/Force Stop to save time!
    Remaining Time Tracker
    Indicates the remaining/limit time for Talktime,Game,Standby,AudioPlayback,MoviePlayback,WebSurfing,and Reading.
    Life level in percent (%) at status bar.
    Access your Battery Saver Function from Home screen Widget

    What's in this version : (Updated : Feb 3, 2015)
    Fixed Crash on Lolipop/Android5.0
    Required Android O/S : 2.3.3+

    Screenshots :













  2. MohameD

    MohameD .:: C.E.O ::. Staff Member

    رد: تطبيقات اندرويد , تطبيق تقليل استخدام البطاريه , تطبيق Battery Saver PRO v2.0.4

  3. mido 321

    mido 321 New Member

    رد: تطبيقات اندرويد , تطبيق تقليل استخدام البطاريه , تطبيق Battery Saver PRO v2.0.4
