العملاق الروسى Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2016

Discussion in 'ايجى نت البرامج العام' started by نور القمر, Nov 11, 2015.

  1. [​IMG]


    Kaspersky Anti-Virus - 2016





    من أقوى و أفضل برامج مكافحة الفايروسات و الملفات الضارة بكافة أشكالها و أنواعها, حائز على جوائز عدة من عدة مجلات و مراكز ابحاث , و شركات ضخمة مهمتها حماية الحواسيب و الملفات الشخصية في العالم , يغنيك عن أي مضاد فيروسات اّخر أو أي برنامج حماية , سهل الإستعمال و لا يبطئ عمل الجهاز بشكل ملحوظ , بالإضافة إلى أن تحيث قاعدته سهل جداً يكون بضغطة زر واحدة , اصبح الان مع ميزات جديدة و عديدة منها الحماية ضد ملفات التجسس و حمايتك اثناء تصفح المواقع و الإيميل. بالاضاقة للفايروول و وضع الألعاب بحيث يطفئ كل الوظائف الغير ضرورية لضمان تجربة ألعاب قصوى.

    Kaspersky Anti-Virus is a premium against malware utility intended to identify and wipe out infections, worms, Trojans, adware, auto-dialers, suspicious stuffed and multi-pressed records, alongside other electronic dangers that may damage or take information from the PC. It is supported by an ongoing shield and other security utilities made to guarantee round-the-clock PC insurance against malevolent programming.

    The establishment system is fast and does not require customization, dissimilar to other well known antivirus items. Its interface has a charming look and very much sorted out structure with four vast and level catches giving quick access to outputs, infection definition redesigns, reports and the isolate. Growing this area uncovers two additional catches for instruments and programming overhauls.

    Contingent upon the client's record needs and time willing to spend searching for malware, Kaspersky puts available to them four output sorts, to be specific full, fast, custom and removable drive mode, notwithstanding the relevant sweep that allows clients to quickly confirm any document, envelope or drive by means of Windows Explorer's correct snap menu.

    The individuals who are not fulfilled by the application's industrial facility settings are allowed to make alterations with regards to the security level, programmed activity on danger discovery, removable drives check mode on association, examine scope, authoritative or other client records, and undertaking planning if essential.

    Extra alternatives concentrate on sorts of recognized articles, prohibition guidelines, trusted applications, self-protection system (obstruct any endeavors to adjust or erase Kaspersky Anti-Virus records, memory procedures and registry sections), programming similarity (to run Kaspersky easily close by different applications and dodge clashes), checked ports, and encoded associations.



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  2. MohameD

    MohameD .:: C.E.O ::. Staff Member

    رد: العملاق الروسى Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2016
