[Silkroad] Forbidden Online / D15 / 140 Cap / High Rate / Silk per Hour/

Discussion in 'منتدى سيلك رود اون لاين Silkroad Online' started by elgantl, Feb 29, 2016.

  1. elgantl

    elgantl New Member

    Hello Egynt Members

    About last week, we managed to get online this server.

    Website: Divine Online
    Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/forbiddensilkroad/

    Information about Server:
    24/7 ONLINE

    Fortress War:
    Disabled (Will enabled until enough player that join)

    Level Cap:
    140 by Scroll
    135 by leveling

    Server Type:

    Races that Enable:

    Server Rates:
    Normal Private Server Rates

    1 silks (Will upgrade if necessary)

    CTF/Arena Enabled:

    Starting Item:



    Newbie Leveling Place:
    So we provide you guys with easiest leveling places for New Player.


    Alchemy NPC


    Special item NPC


    VIP Item (All Item Can be purchased using Forbidden Coins)





    Avatars (New,Old,Special)




    D15 Item Forbidden Galaxy (Sun):




    Information how to get Forbidden Coins:

    CTF : 1 F Coins / 1 kills
    Arena : Win = 7 F Coins , Lose = 2 F Coins

    In this Area, you can get 5-9 Forbidden Coins.

    And ALSO Other Level 100++ Uniques Spawn map, which i mean normal spawn places.

    Just like i mention before, Level 140 by scroll or level 135 by leveling. We provide a Level scroll if you have enough Forbidden Coins

    We also looking for anyone that want to join on our Staff Team.

    • Absolutely experience in other server/other games
    • Willing to spend time on monitoring the server
    • Age
    • Nationality
    • And lastly good communication in English since we the team are from many country such as France and Asia.
    • If you think you can pass it? Drop a PM with this information been FILLED on Our Page.
  2. C.E.O

    C.E.O Administrator

    رد: [Silkroad] Forbidden Online / D15 / 140 Cap / High Rate / Silk per Hour/
