حصريا ها WoRld Wide Hack ال VIP بتاريخ 10/7/2011

Discussion in 'هاكات كروس فاير Crossfire Online' started by YASMENA, Aug 12, 2010.

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    VORTREX Member

    رد: الحقوا 20.6.2011) USUCF D3D Vip 24

    40ايجى5 40ايجى5 40ايجى5 40ايجى5

    VORTREX Member

    رد: الحقوا 20.6.2011) USUCF D3D Vip 24

    في انتظار ابداع كثير منك في اللعبه لكن لو جالي بلوك هزعل منكك اوي 40ايجى5
  3. darmore2010

    darmore2010 New Member

    رد: الحقوا 20.6.2011) USUCF D3D Vip 24

  4. mostafa 2

    mostafa 2 Member

    رد: الحقوا 20.6.2011) USUCF D3D Vip 24

  5. meme2299

    meme2299 Member

    رد: الحقوا 20.6.2011) USUCF D3D Vip 24

  6. qweldiv

    qweldiv Member

    رد: الحقوا 20.6.2011) USUCF D3D Vip 24

  7. Extensive Black Market Guide

    We all love the Black Market because of the prizes we can win. However, it is a complete gamble and if we don't make the right choices in the Black Market we can easily get discouraged.
    What is the Black Market?
    It is a shop in Cross Fire where you can spend GP or ZP on crates for weapons or items that you can win permanently.
    What kinds of items are in the Black Market?
    The Black Market usually features enhanced guns with re-skins, ammunition upgrades, scopes, or silencers. Occasionally, there will be seasonal items like the Rudolph hat. To offset losing, there are other items like 7 day guns or sprays as well as GP. In addition, you can win coupons and when you have enough coupons you can exchange it for a permanent weapon.

    How do you win an item?
    There is no definitive way to win a weapon, but we will go over strategies to make winning guns easier. Otherwise, it is all luck.
    Is there a hack?
    There is no Black Market hack at the moment.
    Item Overview
    The following items are in place in the Black Market at the moment.
    • Scar Light Red
    • M4A1-E
    • AWM-Red Dragon
    • Mauser M1896
    • FN M249 MINIMI
    • RPK-Gold
    • AK-47 Knife
    • Gatling Gun
    • Desert Eagle Scope
    • Kriss Super V
    • AK 47 Scope
    • M4A1 Custom

    *All items at the moment are 1,000 ZP
    • P90-Camo
    • Berreta AR-70
    • Thompson
    • Winchester
    • XM8-ADV
    • AK-47 Camo
    • MSG90
    • M16-Camo
    • Anaconda-Adv
    • Aug-Camo
    • Desert Eagle-Camo
    *All items at the moment are 2,000 GP
    Coupon Items
    • MP5 ADV 90 Days - 10 Coupons
    • Axe 90 Days - 15 Coupons
    • Shovel 90 Days - 15 Coupons
    • M4A1 ADV 90 Days - 25 Coupons
    • AWM-CAMO 90 Days - 25 Coupons
    • SG552 Camo 90 Days - 25 Coupons
    • AK-CAMO - 50 Coupons
    • Axe Permanent - 50 Coupons
    • M4 Custom - 60 Coupons
    • Aug-Camo - 60 Coupons
    • Desert Eagle-Camo - 60 Coupons
    • PSG1-Red Dragon - 70 Coupons
    • AWM-CAMO Permanent - 70 Coupons
    • Desert Eagle Gold - 80 Coupons
    • M4A1-Crystal - 80 Coupons
    • AK Knife - 80 Coupons
    • AK Gold - 100 Coupons
    • M4A1 Gold - 100 Coupons
    Navigating around the Black Market
    How to access the Black Market
    How to switch between ZP and GP crates
    How to purchase crates
    How to Spin crates
    How to exchange coupons for an item

    Tips & Tricks
    • Don't buy too many of a crate if you've had little success with it before. Move onto another one.
    • If you are looking to get all the guns, try buying 10 crates a time for all of the guns you want.
    • If you have a lot of ZP/GP, then buy your crates in bulk. 10 crates individually costs more than 10 crates bought in bulk
    • If all you want is a few guns, then try not to go for similar guns. If you need a desert eagle in a special variant, then either go for a gold, a scope, or a camo. Don't try for all of them if you don't have the money.
    • If you need a weapon and there are many variants in many areas, then go for one and you can eventually get the other. For example, if you go for M4A1-E crates, then you also have a chance of getting the Custom from the coupons you can get from spinning crates.
    • ZP crates give you more GP than GP crates do.
    • With the GP you get from ZP crates, there is a possiblity you can get the normal version of the gun from the item shop if you don't have it.
    • Try not to go for "novelty" items. A crate is better spent on an Aug-Camo then a Rudolph hat.
    • There are no "spots" in the Black Market as many like to put it. It is complete luck decided by a computer. Lets hope the computer likes you 40ايجى5.
    • Never EVER sell your guns for GP crates. It may seem like you have a good chance of winning a gun from a lot of GP, but you will most likely lose and you will have no weapons to play with other than the measily m16/m700/USP (unless you sell that too 40ايجى5)
    • You will usually get about half the amount of ZP crates in coupons. The ratio is way bigger in GP crates so you have a harder time getting them.
    • Coupons can really save you from despair! If you can't win a gun in the Black Market, hopefully you have enough coupons to get it from the Coupon Exchange!
    • Read up weapon reviews before you try for them or exchange coupons. You are given 3-4 times before Z8 Support refunds your coupons (personal experience).
    • If you are looking to collect guns than most above rules don't apply.
    • If you do accidentally buy a coupon gun or bought it but don't like it, then ask Z8Games for a refund through a support ticket. You must send it within 48 hours and you can only do this 3-4 times. I have managed to escape the time limit by begging/lying to them 40ايجى5.
    • Don't think that because you were one crate away last time that you will get it on your next crate by spinning a little farther or inner on the wheel. You will usually not even see it on the next try.
    • If you are looking to collect guns, buy seasonal items in a great amount because they will run out soon. Seasonal items usually come back but some don't!
    • Don't listen to anyone who says they have a crate hack. This usually means they bought a large amount of seasonal items before they removed the content in the next patch.
    • Seasonal items are always coming around and it is fun to get them!
    • Z8 occasionally releases multi-weapon crates. This includes the Gatling Gun Gold crate, the Spring Crate, the X-Mas Crate, the Halloween Crate, and the current Thompson/Winchester Crate.
    • It is very easy to get ZP from offers @ the site to try for ZP crates. Don't be discouraged because you can't buy it! You can always get it free!
    • Don't listen to people who might trick you into gambling in the market. Only do it if you want to. They will usually say things like, hey try the Black Market, I got all my guns in one crate .
    • Heed all these tips carefully!
  8. sayed00

    sayed00 Member

    رد: الحقوا 20.6.2011) USUCF D3D Vip 24

  9. mofohghk

    mofohghk Member

    رد: الحقوا 20.6.2011) USUCF D3D Vip 24

    sanks for you
  10. maroa

    maroa Member

    رد: الحقوا 20.6.2011) USUCF D3D Vip 24

  11. mofohghk

    mofohghk Member

    رد: Extensive Black Market Guide

  12. hulk1500

    hulk1500 Member

    رد: الحقوا 20.6.2011) USUCF D3D Vip 24

  13. 7ooda

    7ooda New Member

    رد: الحقوا 20.6.2011) USUCF D3D Vip 24

    وااله العظيم مش عارف اقو ل ايه للمنتدى الجميل ده
    والاعضاء الجامدين دول بجد شكرا
  14. hala

    hala Member

    رد: الحقوا 20.6.2011) USUCF D3D Vip 24

  15. mazika2026

    mazika2026 Member

    رد: الحقوا 20.6.2011) USUCF D3D Vip 24

  16. mazika2026

    mazika2026 Member

    رد: الحقوا 20.6.2011) USUCF D3D Vip 24

  17. mrshero123

    mrshero123 New Member

    رد: الحقوا 20.6.2011) USUCF D3D Vip 24

    mashkoooooooooor ya basha
  18. mrshero123

    mrshero123 New Member

    رد: الحقوا 20.6.2011) USUCF D3D Vip 24

    mashkooooooooooorya bashaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa40ايجى5
  19. mohammad

    mohammad Member

    رد: الحقوا 20.6.2011) USUCF D3D Vip 24

  20. galal

    galal Active Member

    رد: الحقوا 20.6.2011) USUCF D3D Vip 24

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