Medical Educationمجموعة من كتب تعليم الطب

الموضوع في 'منتدى ايجى نت العام' بواسطة حودة الصعيدى, بتاريخ ‏28 سبتمبر 2010.

  1. حودة الصعيدى

    حودة الصعيدى Active Member

    مجموعة من كتب تعليم الطب ارجو من الله العلى القدير ان تنتفعوا بها

    على بركة الله نبدا

    Hepatobiliary Surgery

    Hepatobiliary Surgery is a technical manual and not a textbook. Although
    some chapters are robust in their discussion of anatomic and physiologic
    detail, others are written in a purely “how to” style. At its core, the book is
    written as a reference and guidebook for practicing surgeons, gastroenterologists,
    and interventional radiologists with an interest in hepatobiliary diseases.
    However, we believe it will also be of great value to medical students
    on surgery clerkships, general surgery residents, and surgical oncology fellows
    as they pursue excellence in their education and training.
    Mastery of hepatobiliary surgery requires one to not only be an accomplished
    surgical craftsman, but also a competent internist, knowledgeable
    gastroenterology collaborator, and skilled interpreter of radiologic images.
    No one medical discipline has a patent on knowledge and opinion, and
    most complex hepatobiliary problems are best managed by securing the opinion
    of experts in all disciplines before embarking on a treatment plan. This
    book attempts to parallel that dialogue by collating the expertise, experience
    and opinion of all of these disciplines and distilling it down into one volume.
    Please note, this book is not gospel about how unique patients should
    be managed, nor does it claim to present the only way in which various
    operative procedures and interventions can be performed. Rather, this book
    presents a strategy that works for us and can hopefully be utilized to enhance
    your practice and the care of your patients.

    BooK details:
    Author:Ronald Chamberlain ,Leslie Blumgart
    Publisher:Landes Bioscience
    Size:16,270 MB
    Format: pd

    password: DrWael

    Cerebral Palsy

    By Freeman Miller
    Publisher: Springer
    Number Of Pages: 1060
    Publication Date: 2005-01-14
    ISBN / ASIN: 0387204377
    Book De******ion:
    The medical treatment and education of children with cerebral palsy is complex and involves a diverse range of professionals. Moreover, there are a number of different approaches for treating pediatric musculoskeletal impairments, such as therapy, orthotics, and surgery. Dr. Miller’s valuable resource helps members of the medical team navigate the complexity of cerebral palsy care. Readers will become familiar with treatments that fall outside of their own disciplines while also benefiting from a review of current practices in their own fields. This comprehensive reference outlines the etiology of cerebral palsy and presents a de******ion of muscle tone and movement problems. Dr. Miller discusses the theory and techniques used by physical and occupational therapists, and he provides suggestions for implementing an Individual Education Plan (IEP). Since the text focuses on improving decision making, recommended treatment algorithms address common questions, such as how to select equipment. Comprehensive coverage of understanding abnormal gaits, as well as the use of braces and wheel chairs, is incorporated into the text. Surgeons will especially appreciate the section that focuses on anatomy and describes surgeries and specific local treatments. Chapters are enhanced by beautiful anatomical drawings depicting key techniques. A companion CD-ROM includes videos of children with walking problems and more than 400 interactive study questions.
    PDF, 52 Mb


    The Official Patient’s Sourcebook on
    Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

    Product Details
    Book Publisher: Icon Health Publications (April, 2003)
    ISBN: 0597835195
    Book author: Icon Health Publications

    Book De******ion:
    This sourcebook has been created for patients who have decided to make education and Internet-based research an integral part of the treatment process. Although it gives information useful to doctors, caregivers and other health professionals, it also tells patients where and how to look for information covering virtually all topics related to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, from the essentials to the most advanced areas of research. The title of this book includes the word official. This reflects the fact that the sourcebook draws from public, academic, government, and peer-reviewed research. Selected readings from various agencies are reproduced to give you some of the latest official information available to date on amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Following an introductory chapter, the sourcebook is organized into three parts. PART I: THE ESSENTIALS; Chapter 1. The Essentials on Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: Guidelines; Chapter 2. Seeking Guidance; Chapter 3. Clinical Trials and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis; PART II: ADDITIONAL RESOURCES AND ADVANCED MATERIAL; Chapter 4. Studies on Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis; Chapter 5. Patents on Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis; Chapter 6. Books on Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis; Chapter 7. Multimedia on Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis; Chapter 8. Periodicals and News on Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis; Chapter 9. Physician Guidelines and Databases; PART III. APPENDICES; Appendix A. Researching Your Medications; Appendix B. Researching Alternative Medicine; Appendix C. Researching Nutrition; Appendix D. Finding Medical Libraries; Appendix E. Your Rights and Insurance; ONLINE GLOSSARIES; AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS GLOSSARY; INDEX. Related topics include: Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis-Polyglucosan Bodies, Aran-Duchenne Muscular Atrophy, Gehrig’s Disease, Lou Gehrig’s disease, Motor neuron disease, Motor System Disease (Focal and Slow).
    request download ticket |


    Anderson’s Electronic Atlas of Hematology, Version 2.0

    Product Details
    Book Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (01 March, 2002)
    ISBN: 0781726611
    Book author: Shauna C Anderson, Keila B Poulsen

    With over 900 high-quality color images, the Second Version of this multimedia CD-ROM helps learners identify and study the morphology of cells from peripheral blood and bone marrow. This interactive atlas and testing resource is an ideal tool for education, examination preparation, and competency assessment. Features include a new section on microorganisms associated with hematologic disease, comparisons of cells that are commonly confused, 125 morphology evaluation questions with answers and rationales, and terms linked to Stedman’s Medical Dictionary definitions. Two related products are forthcoming: Anderson’s Electronic Atlas of Hematologic Disorders CD-ROM and Anderson’s Atlas of Hematology (Spiralbound).


  2. MohameD

    MohameD .:: C.E.O ::. طاقم الإدارة

    الله عليك ياحودة

  3. africaa

    africaa Member

    يحفظك ويجازيك خير
  4. سعيد20

    سعيد20 Member

    موضوع رائع
    الف شكر مجهود مميز جداا
    وتحياتى لك
  5. رد: Medical Educationمجموعة من كتب تعليم الطب

    مجهود رائع ارجو ان تكون نية الكاتب النفع العام
  6. shatoi

    shatoi New Member

    مشكور يا خالي

    شكرا لك يا خالي
  7. yoyoyo198412

    yoyoyo198412 New Member

    رد: Medical Educationمجموعة من كتب تعليم الطب

  8. o93ai

    o93ai New Member

    رد: Medical Educationمجموعة من كتب تعليم الطب

    الموضيع اللي مثل كدا قليلة جدا و مشكوووووووووووووووووووووووووووووور جدا على تعبك
  9. o93ai

    o93ai New Member

    رد: Medical Educationمجموعة من كتب تعليم الطب

    40ايجى5شكرا جدا على الموضوع القيم
  10. hanova

    hanova New Member

    رد: Medical Educationمجموعة من كتب تعليم الطب

    يحفظك ويجازيك خير
  11. o93ai

    o93ai New Member

    رد: Medical Educationمجموعة من كتب تعليم الطب

    جزاك الله كل خير ....................40ايجى540ايجى5.
