problem please help

الموضوع في 'مشاكل و طلبات crossfire' بواسطة lionbbm, بتاريخ ‏3 فبراير 2014.

  1. lionbbm

    lionbbm New Member

    please help me
    my crossfire north america
    is damged please help me
    please give me another pro acc please
    and who will give it to me send it on
    thank you

    please he40ايجى5lp!!
  2. amirdolsik

    amirdolsik Guest

    رد: problem please help

    hey man are you arabic or ????
    there is no acc any man give you sorry
  3. lionbbm

    lionbbm New Member

    رد: problem please help

    i know that i am an a egyptian person but my account for crossfire na is stoled and i asked for account 40ايجى5
  4. mhmod_123

    mhmod_123 Member

    رد: problem please help

    how ur avv steel say that ?