Requirements: .NET Framework Features: F5 = ON/OFF OneHitKill F6 = ON/OFF No Fall Damage F7 = ON (you cant turn off these features): No Weapon Weight Instant Reload No Change Delay No Grenade Damage F8 = ON (you cant turn off these features): Weapon Hack: if you choose m16, you will use M4a1 Crystal, others will see you using a m16 if you choose m700, you will use AWM Xmas, others will see you using a m700 if you choose AWM, you will use AWM Xmas, others will see you using a AWM if you choose Grenade, you will use EasterEgg Grenade, others will see you using a Grenade if you choose Knife, you will use Combat Axe Xmas, others will see you using a Knife if you choose M4A1, you will use M4A1 Crystal, others will see you using a M4A1 F9 = ON/OFF Super Jump (Beta cause client error) How to Inject: 1. Run (as Admin) Overkiller Injector.exe 2. Find the crossfire Folder