حصريا مشغل الفيديو الرائع Splash HD Player Lite 1.30 Portable

الموضوع في 'ايجى نت البرامج العام' بواسطة Aloudy, بتاريخ ‏19 ابريل 2010.

  1. Aloudy

    Aloudy Active Member

    Splash HD Player Lite 1.30 Portable

    Splash HD Player Lite 1.30 Portable | 5.56 Mb

    Splash Lite - HD Video Player,New from the company Mirillis, PMP Splash, optimized for video playback in high resolution (High Definition AVC/H.264), and viewing of digital TV channels (DVB-T). Splash Player has a built-in codec Mirillis AVC/H.264, which is a proprietary company, and is able to provide high-quality clear and smooth images in high resolution. Player differs stylish, user-friendly interface.

    Supported files: AVI, MKV, MOV, M2TS, MTS, M2T, MP4, MPG, TS
    Support for video, with its own codecs: H.264, MPEG-2, VC-1
    Support video via external codecs: DivX / XviD
    Best video quality, thanks to software and hardware video decoding
    Stylish user interface and easy to use
    Supports hardware acceleration of video decoding
    Converting 1080i to 1080p
    Multi-core processors
    Lipsync correction

    Download Links:


    YASMENA Active Member

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  3. GaMaL

    GaMaL Active Member

    مجهود عظيم تسلم
  4. Aloudy

    Aloudy Active Member

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  5. Aloudy

    Aloudy Active Member

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  6. FirstMan

    FirstMan Active Member

    رد: حصريا مشغل الفيديو الرائع Splash HD Player Lite 1.30 Portable

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  7. قمر

    قمر Active Member

    رد: حصريا مشغل الفيديو الرائع Splash HD Player Lite 1.30 Portable

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