حصريا برنامج الحماية الرائع Avast Antivirus 4.8 pro

الموضوع في 'منتدى برامج الحماية' بواسطة Aloudy, بتاريخ ‏19 ابريل 2010.

  1. Aloudy

    Aloudy Active Member

    Avast Antivirus 4.8 pro


    AVAST ! has a very good antivirus software. The free ?home edition? is one of the most popular free antivirus applications, and the paid Professional Edition is actually quite good. Avast combines ahealthy dose of features with effective security for a pretty comprehensive antivirus software.

    Avast! Antivirus Standout Features:
    P2P Shield
    Innovative ?radio? interface and various skins
    PUSH updates

    Scope of Protection:

    Avast Antivirus Professional Edition uses several layers of protection, keeping your PC and resources safe from several angles. With built-in protection from spyware, rootkits, Trojans and more, Avast is equipped for most common security threats. Avast includes protection from malware spread through email (scanning both inbound and outbound messages), and also has an integrated IM shield. Furthermore, Avast includes specific protection for several popular P2P file sharing applications.


    Avast is certainly an effective antivirus software, and one of the best. Virus Bulletin not only certified the software with a VB100% (caught 100% of in-the-wild viruses), but also found the software?s proactive and reactive scanners to be quite effective, with a combined score of 71.4 (and no false positives).

    AV Comparatives certainly agrees that Avast is top-notch, with a very high 98% detection rate, one of the best in the industry. AV Comparatives deemed Avast Antivirus Professional Edition as one of the 7 best overall solutions, earning an Advanced A rating.


    Avira has all the essential features and more. One very unique element of the software is the interface. The default dashboard is actually a ?radio? style interface with all of the major components packaged in various buttons, like the scan button as the ?play? button. And while it takes a minute to get down the control scheme, it?s certainly easy to figure out and sort of refreshing. If you don?t like that interface, you can completely customize the application with one of over 35 skins (ranging from Star Trek to Spiderman to Vista-themed).

    Download Link


  2. ضى القمر

    ضى القمر Active Member

    شكرا ليك ياعلودى على البرنامج
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  3. GaMaL

    GaMaL Active Member

    تسلم ياغالى على البرنامج

    YASMENA Active Member

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  5. Aloudy

    Aloudy Active Member

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  6. Aloudy

    Aloudy Active Member

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  7. Aloudy

    Aloudy Active Member

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  9. قمر

    قمر Active Member

    رد: حصريا برنامج الحماية الرائع Avast Antivirus 4.8 pro

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