Spector Pro 6.0 Build 1201 افضل برنامج لتسجيل اي نشاط على جهازك

الموضوع في 'ايجى نت البرامج العام' بواسطة oujdid, بتاريخ ‏22 أغسطس 2011.

  1. oujdid

    oujdid Member

    For monitoring and recording every detail of PC and Internet activity​



    برنامج لتسجيل اي نشاط على جهازك مثل كل المحادثات لكل برامج المحادثه وممكن تاخد screen shots
    واسماء المواقع واي ضغطه على الكيبورد واي نافذة تتفتح واي عملية قمت بيها

    بيسجل كل حاجه فعلاااااااااااا
    The Gold Standard in Internet Monitoring and Surveillance Software​

    Spector Pro is the world’s best selling software for monitoring and recording every detail of PC and Internet activity – in your home or in your office. Selected as the Editors’ Choice by the experts at PC Magazine, Spector Pro records every detail of what they do on the computer – their chats, instant messages, emails, the web sites they visit, what they search for, what they do on MySpace, the pictures they post and look at, the keystrokes they type, the programs they run and much more. And because of its advanced surveillance screen snapshot features, you get to see not only WHAT they do, but the EXACT order in which they do it, step by step. With Spector Pro, you will never doubt who is doing what on the computer.​



    All four of these solutions are intuitive, but IamBigBrother and PC Tattletale really stand out as the easiest to use, partly because they offer fewer options to configure. In fact, IamBigBrother offers little beyond settings for screen capture and keyword filtering. eBlaster and Spector Pro, on the other hand, provide abundant options for customization—which is great for power users but may perhaps be overwhelming for novices.

    Stealth Mode

    Ideally, you should inform your children that they are being monitored in the hopes of curbing their behavior and creating a certain level of trust. In extreme cases, though, it may be necessary to monitor your kids without their knowledge. Some programs do a better job of hiding themselves than others. None of them appear in the Windows Task Manager or the Add/Remove Programs list, but eBlaster and Spector Pro do the best job of hiding: We found no traces of either app in the Windows Registry.

    Application Usage

    These programs do a decent job of tracking applications each user has opened. All of them list the time a program is loaded. But only eBlaster and Spector Pro provide the total time the given app is open as well as the active time—the amount of time the program remains in the Windows foreground. eBlaster and Spector Pro also capture data for peer-to-peer programs like Kazaa, so you can see what your kids are downloading. In addition, Spector Pro lets you block chat sessions, e-mail access, peer-to-peer services, or any other app that requires an open port.

    E-Mail and Instant Messaging

    Reading someone's personal e-mail or chat sessions may seem unethical. And if your teenager finds out you're doing that, it could be a devastating blow to your relationship. So tread lightly. All these programs log incoming and outgoing e-mail, as well as conversations in popular instant-messaging clients. Each also lists user names, so you can easily see who said what. PC Tattletale and Spector Pro offer the best views, displaying conversations in a split window. PC Tattletale also uses colors to differentiate users—which is a nice touch.

    Key Logging

    You can use a key logger to reveal your kids' passwords, though reading through key logs is a tedious task. PC Tattletale and Spector Pro both use a split-window approach; they list the application in one pane and the keystrokes in another. IamBigBrother places keystrokes underneath the application name in linear order, making text more difficult to read. eBlaster offers the option of showing extended keystrokes, which include keys like Shift and Ctrl.

    Internet Tracking and Filtering

    All four programs we tested record the times that sites are accessed; eBlaster and Spector Pro also log the amount of time spent on each Web page. Only PC Tattletale and Spector Pro offer ways to deny access to Web sites.

    PC Tattletale blocks sites ****d on keyword filters that you set manually. If a keyword is embedded in a Web page, PC Tattletale will switch to a default URL and send an e-mail ***** with information about the site visited to the parent. But it doesn't extend keyword *****s to chats or e-mails. Spector Pro lets parents set up time blocks for blocking all Internet access. If more than one person uses the PC, Spector Pro can block access for specific users. Parents can also block or allow particular sites by manually specifying URLs.

    Keyword Filtering

    You can specify keywords that should be blocked. PC Tattletale monitors keywords only when they are sent out over the Internet; eBlaster and Spector Pro ***** you whenever a keyword is typed, regardless of the application. E-mail *****s can be good and bad. Our in-box was quickly inundated with messages regarding keywords. Fortunately, eBlaster, PC Tattletale, and Spector Pro let you customize when and how often *****s are sent.

    Screen Capture

    Screen captures provide the best view of what your kids are doing online. The only program here that doesn't capture screens is eBlaster, primarily because it's ****d on e-mail reports. With the others, you can specify how often screens are saved. IamBigBrother provides thumbnails of images that link to larger views. PC Tattletale lists images by date and time, with a screen view in a separate window, but the text in its screen grabs is sometimes unreadable. Spector Pro lets you view screens as a slide show, with lots of playback controls. In case you want to view only activity in the middle of the week, Spector Pro provides a timeline slider to pinpoint the
    day and time a screenshot was taken. This approach is by far the easiest and most comprehensive
  2. MohameD

    MohameD .:: C.E.O ::. طاقم الإدارة

    رد: Spector Pro 6.0 Build 1201 افضل برنامج لتسجيل اي نشاط على جهازك

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