حصريا اللعبة الجميلة Robot Arena 2: Design & Destroy بحجم 140 ميجا فقط لايجي نت

الموضوع في 'منتدى العاب الكمبيوتر الكاملة' بواسطة Aloudy, بتاريخ ‏21 ابريل 2010.

  1. Aloudy

    Aloudy Active Member

    Robot Arena 2: Design & Destroy v1.2 DSL 2 (PC/ENG) | 140.95 MB

    Robot Arena 2: Design & Destroy v1.2 DSL 2 (PC/ENG) | 140.95 MB
    Arcade (Fighting) / Logic / 3D * PC * English

    Robot Arena 2: Design & Destroy DSL 2.0 Mod Robot Arena 2: Design & Destroy is a new, advanced robot workshop, where players get to design and build their own fighting machines. Start from simply drawn outlines, and then progress to adding armor, mobility, and weaponry. Players can wage war in a variety of arena-style contests filled with ramps, platforms, obstacles, and hazards that dramatically affect the match. Everything is controlled through a Team HQ, where players manage every aspect of their growing domination through League and Tournament play. Robot Arena 2: Design & Destroy features improved graphics and enhanced physics for incredibly realistic, metal-crushing conflicts.

    Game Info
    Name game: Robot Arena 2: Design & Destroy v1.2 DSL 2
    Developer: Gabriel Entertainment
    Genre: Games with physics, arcade
    Game Type: Full version

    System requirements:
    Processor: PII-600
    Memory: 64M RAM
    Video: 16M Video 3D, DirectX 9.0
    Operating system: Windows XP / Vista

    Download Hotfile


  2. MohameD

    MohameD .:: C.E.O ::. طاقم الإدارة

    جميل جدا ياعلى

    حمد لله على السلامة ياعم بقالك كتير مش
    عملت موضوع

    وحشتنا ياعم بمواضيعك الحلوة

    وتسلم ايديك يابطل


    YASMENA Active Member

    تسلم ايدك يا على
    مجهود جبار وجميل
    لا تحرمنا جديدك
  4. Aloudy

    Aloudy Active Member

    الله يسلمك يا محمد
    تسلم لمرورك الجميل
  5. Aloudy

    Aloudy Active Member

    تسلمي ياسمينا لمرورك الجميل
    ومتابعتك الدائمة
  6. ناصر 96

    ناصر 96 Member

    مجهود اكثر من رائع جارى التحميل
  7. FirstMan

    FirstMan Active Member

    رد: حصريا اللعبة الجميلة Robot Arena 2: Design & Destroy بحجم 140 ميجا فقط لايجي نت

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