البرنامج الرائع لتحويل أفلام البلوراى إلى VSO Blu-ray to MKV Multilingual MKV بحجمـ 20

الموضوع في 'ايجى نت البرامج العام' بواسطة روحـــى, بتاريخ ‏16 أكتوبر 2011.

  1. 40ايجى5
    VSO Blu-ray to MKV Multilingual
    برنامج التحويل الرهيب
    VSO Blu-ray to MKV Multilingual
    يقوم البرنامج بتحويل أفلام البلورالى إلى صيغة MKV
    يتميز البرنامج بالخفة والسرعة الرهيبة فى التحويل
    بإمكانك حرق الفيديو الناتج غلى سيدى
    البرنامج رائع فى التحويل ودقيق جداااا
    الأفلام الناتجة عالية الجودة
    البرنامج سهل الأشتعمال
    وسريع فوق العادة
     VSO  Blu-ray  to MKV software performs fast conversion  Blu-ray  videos to  MKV with top image quality and easy file selection. Convert your  Blu-ray   files in MKV in one click. Select the audio and subtitle of your choice  from the video, and press convert. You may burn the conversion to DVD  if you would like. Conversions are completed quickly, giving you the  best quality possible. Create MKV files in stardard or high definition  format: 720 or 1080 pixels in the output size of your choice. Enjoy your   Blu-ray  movies in non  Blu-ray  devices and still benefit from the high  definition quality! You can burn your MKV files to a disk with the  integrated burning engine. The live preview allows you to watch the  conversion process. With the VSO burning engine included in the  software, burn your project onto DVD automatically.  Blu-ray  to MKV also  supports ISO images as input files! No external codecs or additional  software needed except for a decrypter if converting from protected   Blu-ray  disks.
    Convert  Blu-ray  videos to any format in an easy 1, 2, 3 step process:
    1) Select the  Blu-ray  video and choose the audio and subtitle tracks
    2) Use the quality analyzer to adjust settings for the best quality
    3) Just sit back and relax during the conversion!
    Perfect quality
    You have a choice of various video codecs (H264, Mpeg4) and audio codecs  (AC3, AAC, DTS). Use our quality advisor to adjust the settings of your  project to get the best quality: see before you even start the  conversion process what the quality will be and adjust settings for fine  tuning. Never be disappointed again by poor quality results!  Blu-ray  To  MKV also uses our advanced Image Filter to converts images down from HD  to SD or select the output to be in High definition and no resize will  be needed! Our image filter has already proven itself to be one of the  best image resizing solutions on the market today.
    Simplified with Advanced technology
    Our advanced discriminator technology does all the hard work for you  behind the scenes. Whether you want to convert a movie or a  Blu-ray   series, the discrimintor presents the main files you need and insures  the correct ordering of the files. This means no more sorting through  long lists of video files wondering which file is the right one to  select - our software does it all for you. Not only that, but for films  with multiple angles, a special preview module helps you choose which  angle you want to convert.
    Extra Fast
    Our software has been optimized for multi-core processors meaning you  get even faster conversions. Speed up your conversions by using the Cuda  profile which will use NVIDIA CUDA technology during the  decoding/encoding process. Now convert 3x's faster and you can even use  your computer as you normally would without being slowed down by the  conversion as your GPU is processing the data instead of your CPU!

    Size : 20 MB
    Release Date : 15 /10 / 2011
    Licence : Share ware " Keygen included"
    الكيجن مرفق
    تاريخ الإصدار 15 / 10 /2011
    متوافق مع جميع أنواع الويندوز
    تحميل موفق إن شاء الله
  2. Mahmo00ud

    Mahmo00ud Active Member

    رد: البرنامج الرائع لتحويل أفلام البلوراى إلى VSO Blu-ray to MKV Multilingual MKV بحجمـ 20

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  3. joma

    joma Active Member

    رد: البرنامج الرائع لتحويل أفلام البلوراى إلى VSO Blu-ray to MKV Multilingual MKV بحجمـ 20

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  4. dpory_prance

    dpory_prance New Member

    رد: البرنامج الرائع لتحويل أفلام البلوراى إلى VSO Blu-ray to MKV Multilingual MKV بحجمـ 20

  5. قمر

    قمر Active Member

    رد: البرنامج الرائع لتحويل أفلام البلوراى إلى VSO Blu-ray to MKV Multilingual MKV بحجمـ 20

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