نسخهwindows 98 Second edition Original الأصليه بالسيريال للأجهزه القديمه بحجم 625 ميجا

الموضوع في 'ايجى نت لانظمة التشغيل' بواسطة روحـــى, بتاريخ ‏19 أكتوبر 2011.

  1. 40ايجى5
    windows 98 Second edition Original
    النسخه الأصليه من ويندوز 98 للأجهزه القديمه
    حجم النسخه 625 ميجا
       README for The Microsoft Interactive CD Sampler 7.0 
       (MSN Version)       November l998            
            (c) Copyright 1997, 1998 Microsoft Corporation
    Table of Contents
    1. System Requirements
    2. Installing Interactive CD Sampler 7.0
    3. Problems running Interactive CD Sampler 7.0
    4. Uninstalling Interactive CD Sampler 7.0
    1. System Requirements
    * Microsoft  windows   95 or Microsoft  windows   98
    * Pentium 90 or higher processor
    * 16 MB of memory required
    * 7 MB available hard disk space
    * Microsoft Internet Explorer Software 4.01 (included on CD);
      users can maintain other default browsers after installation
    * CD-ROM drive (4x or faster)
    * SVGA or higher resolution monitor capable of displaying 256 colors or more
    * Sound card and speaker or headphones recommended
    * Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device
    In order to fully experience the Interactive CD Sampler you will need a sound card and speakers. 
    2. Installing Interactive CD Sampler 7.0
    * Select Start Run on the  windows   taskbar.
    * Enter d:\cdsample\sampler.exe (whereby d: represents the letter of your CD-ROM drive),
      and choose OK.
    * Follow the installation instructions on your screen.
    3. Problems running Interactive CD Sampler 7.0
    As listed in the system requirements sections, the Interactive CD Sampler requires that Microsoft Internet Explorer software 4.01 be installed. If you experience problems after installing the Interactive CD Sampler, install Internet Explorer again from Add/Remove Programs.
    4. Uninstalling Interactive CD Sampler 7.0
       To uninstall CD Sampler 7.0 from your computer, please complete the 
    following steps:
    1. Click Start, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel. 
    2. Double-click the Add/Remove Programs icon.
    3. Select Microsoft Interactive CD Sampler 7.0 - MSN version, and
       then click the Add/Remove button. 
    4. Click OK to close the Add/Remove Programs dialog box.
    Microsoft, Windows, MSN, and The Microsoft Network are registered trademarks or 
    trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.
    Other product and company names herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.
    You can find complete copyright information pertaining to products contained in the CD Sampler, upon exiting the CD Sampler, or by viewing the file /extras/credits.txt

  2. joma

    joma Active Member

    رد: نسخهwindows 98 Second edition Original الأصليه بالسيريال للأجهزه القديمه بحجم 625 ميجا

    الله عليكى بجد مجهود رائع ومميز
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    فى انتظار المزيد
  3. MohameD

    MohameD .:: C.E.O ::. طاقم الإدارة

    رد: نسخهwindows 98 Second edition Original الأصليه بالسيريال للأجهزه القديمه بحجم 625 ميجا

    موضوع ممتاز جدا جدا
    وفى انتظار جديدك
  4. Mr.Crash

    Mr.Crash Active Member

    رد: نسخهwindows 98 Second edition Original الأصليه بالسيريال للأجهزه القديمه بحجم 625 ميجا

    40ايجى5بارك الله فيك يا رب تكون بى كمال الصحة وى العافيه40ايجى5
    40ايجى5مع خالص تحياتى Dark NighT 40ايجى5
  5. SAS-SS

    SAS-SS New Member

    رد: نسخهwindows 98 Second edition Original الأصليه بالسيريال للأجهزه القديمه بحجم 625 ميجا

  6. قمر

    قمر Active Member

    رد: نسخهwindows 98 Second edition Original الأصليه بالسيريال للأجهزه القديمه بحجم 625 ميجا

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