Nero kwik media 11.0.16401 4 برنامج نسخ وحرق الملفات الاشهر علي الاطلاق في اصدار جديد يتميز هذا الاصدار بقدرته علي التعامل مع الوسائط الرقميه او الديجتال والقيام بمهام مختلفه من قص ونسخ ولصق وحرق وانشاء الملفات المختلفه كود: This easy to use, for free, but powerful set of discs for recording gives you the freedom to create, rip, copy, record, edit. This is a full, not Micro-yourself, and the version from the creator of nero AG, is a totally free version of nero has 11 functions only to record and copy discs. Nice to see that the firm went to meet customers and returned to our roots, and in the free version. It features new cutting-edge functionality that makes enjoying digital media content simple. This easy-to-use yet powerful multimedia suite, gives you the freedom to create, rip, copy, burn, edit, share and upload online. Whatever it was - music, video, photo and data - enjoy and share with family and friends anytime, anywhere. Your digital life has never been more flexible, feasible, and fun with easy to use command center nero StartSmart. Enjoy the basic features of recording and copying data to CD-and DVD-drives, provided the most reliable brand in the world of digital media - Nero. You can register the program, and it is also absolutely free. This version of nero 11 contains only the functions of recording and copying data to CD and DVD-discs. Additional features and capabilities are available when you upgrade to a full version of nero 11. 190 ميجا ولتحميل سكرين البرنامج من هنا او هنا Sendmyway Fileserve Oron Zshare Mediafire تحميل مباشر
رد: برنامج Nero Kwik Media 11.0.16401 لحرق ونسخ الاسطوانات : تحميل مباشر مجهود رائع ياجوما ربنا يخليك لينا ياعسل