Dracula Twins 2010 Dracula Twins for PC | 785 MB Genre: Arcade In the heart of mysterious Transylvania, respectable family Drakul lived-lived in the ancient patrimonial lock, without suspecting that against them mad doctor Lajflast spins intrigues. Blood of Drakuly - a necessary component of the Elixir of the Eternal Life. For this reason Lajflast has grasped the aged count in hostages. Features of game: • 2 game characters: Fights and Drakana • Magic: magic rubies allow to use powerful spells • Secrets and traps: more than 40 various counters, special abilities, bonuses and surprises Genres: Arcade Year of release: 2010 The developer: Legendo Entertainment The publisher: Purple Hills Platform: PC The minimum System requirements: System: Windows® 2000/XP/Vista The processor: Processor 1 GHz Memory: 256 MB RAM Video card: 16 MB Audiocard: DirectX Compatible Soundcard Hard disk: 600 MB http://egy.egynt.net/5563.html http://egy.egynt.net/5564.html http://egy.egynt.net/5565.html http://egy.egynt.net/5566.html http://egy.egynt.net/5567.html
الاخ الكريم عمر لو الروابط مش ظهرت لحضرتك اعمل رفرش للموضوع وهى هتظهر روابط التحميل ولو فى اى حاجة احنا فى الخدمة