Windows Xp Sp3 Corporate student edition December 2011 This so-called student copy of XP, it is used for educational purposes and there fore it is designed for multiple installation without further contact with black-list Windows Genuine Advantage. This version of Windows XP SP3 does not require activation and is the official validation of Microsoft. no need for any wga cracks with this one it passes online as fully Genuine (student edition ****d + proper student key) to check if xp is activated goto start/run and enter the following oobe/msoobe /a this windows was made with xp pro student edition sp0 RTM 32bit as the source disk, with Sp3 Build 5512 added and upto date hotfixes added the cd-key is slipstreamed into the cd so no need to put when installing from system bootup tcp ip = 16777215 uxtheme applyed (can use unsigned themes) Default windows language ENGLISH/UK please change to your own language when installing. you can also use 'Regional and Language Options' after if need be in Control panel. i burned the iso image with nero.. this will just about fit on a 700 MB cdr-rom.. please do a clean install from system bootup with this windows disk. this is not a upgrade disk as those parts were removed. ADDED TO THE INSTALL DISK Framework all in one 2.0 - 4.0 Internet explorer 8 Windows media player 11 Directx 9 Runtimes June 2010 9.29.1962 (32bit only) Directx Managed Code 1.1.0 (32bit only) c++ runtimes 2005 & 2008 & 2010 REMOVED FROM THE INSTALL DISK Music Samples Tour REMOVED FOLDERS FROM THE INSTALL DISK SUPPORT , VALUEADD , DOCS , WIN9XMIG , WIN9XUPG , WINNTUPG ADDED TO THE INSTALL DISK Driverpacks **** 10.06 DriverPacks **** is an integration program that will take individual DriverPacks and integrate them into a local 32-bit Windows source for installation. DRIVERPACKS ADDED Chipset 11.11 Cpu 10.05 Lan 11.11 MassStorage 11.11 txt mode (sata + raid) Wlan 11.09 Monitor 10.05 Sp3HD audio 00002 Wireless 00003 THE UPDATES (hotfixes) SFC (windows File Protection) Disabled Numlock off default Classic control panel Enabled updated windows hotfixes till December 13th 2011 updated Internet explorer 8 updated MassStorage 11.11 txt mode (sata + raid) added Chipset 11.11 added Cpu 10.05 added Lan 11.11 added Wlan 11.09 added Monitor 10.05 added Sp3HD audio 00002 added Wireless 00003 updated Directx 9 Runtimes & Managed Code June 2010 (32bit only) How To Use Burn the iso image using the software you like at a slow speed say about x4 or x8 as this CD is bootable. Install as you would an original CD from system bootup. leaving the disk in the drive and reboot pc. booting from cd rom drive first before harddrive If you have xp installed already your advised to backup your graphic drivers first before install. example using driver genius. as only the above drivers and basic xp drivers are on this cd-r disk SIZE : 681.68 MB filefactory megaupload mediafire megaupload
رد: نسخة الاكس بى والتى تجمع بمحتواها اخر تحديثات ميكروسوفت مع احدث برامج وتعريفات الساتا Windows Xp الله ينور عليك ياعمهم
رد: نسخة الاكس بى والتى تجمع بمحتواها اخر تحديثات ميكروسوفت مع احدث برامج وتعريفات الساتا Windows Xp mresiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
رد: نسخة الاكس بى والتى تجمع بمحتواها اخر تحديثات ميكروسوفت مع احدث برامج وتعريفات الساتا Windows Xp شكرا لمروركوا الرئع
رد: نسخة الاكس بى والتى تجمع بمحتواها اخر تحديثات ميكروسوفت مع احدث برامج وتعريفات الساتا Windows Xp شاااااااطررررررررررر
رد: نسخة الاكس بى والتى تجمع بمحتواها اخر تحديثات ميكروسوفت مع احدث برامج وتعريفات الساتا Windows Xp شاطرررررررر