Functions: 1 - NoRecoil / NoSpread (100% Perfect) 2 - noreload (90% No Errors) 3 - NoWepWeight 4 - NoChangeDelay 5 - NoGrenadeDamage 6 - NoFallDamage 7 - CrouchSpeed (90% No Errors) 8 - Plant C4Fast 9 - Defuse C4Fast 10 - SeeGhosts (I REMOVED THE FAST SPEED OF THE GHOST) 11 - ShootThroughWalls 12-NoSniperZoom 13-SniperCrossHair 14-Fast Knife (90% No Errors & & Made it a little bit faster) 15-SeeEnemyNames (Related to shootThroughWalls the When u point to the wall u will see the enemy name in Red) OHK-16 Sniper (Sniper Works on all 75%) 17 Shotgun spread- 18-max range (Fixed 100%) 19 gatling-spread (When u are spraying with the gatling gun Will u Fast moves .... U wont move Slow ALSO FIXED!) 20-pistolspread (When u shoot with the pistol will shoot u FASTER!) Weapon Hack: 21 - M16> GoldGatlingGun (Many People Requested .... u can request what u want from me!) 22 - M4A1> Custom M4A1 USP> Removed due to client errors M700> Removed due to client errors 24 - Grenade> Grenade's Assassin الشــــــــــرح هتفك ضغط الملف وتحطوا في فولدر اللعبة وبس....وافتح اللعبة هتلاقي رسالة ظهرتلك دوس اوك وكل المميزات بتشتغل لوحدها....... Print جيـــــــــــنا للتحميل