أروع برامج التعديل على الصور StudioLine Photo Classic Plusلاضافه التأثيرات والتحكم فى الصو

الموضوع في 'ايجى نت البرامج العام' بواسطة joma, بتاريخ ‏27 يناير 2012.

  1. joma

    joma Active Member


    StudioLine Photo Classic Plus
    عملاق التعديل على الصور
    StudioLine Photo Classic Plus
    أحدث أعظم برامج التعديل على الصور بكفاءه كبيرة وإضافه اجمل التأثيرات عليها
    وصنع الصور المتحركه بصوره جيده جداً
    البرنامج رهيب فى امكاناته من تعديل الصور والتحكم بها وتجميعها وإضافة التأثيرات عليها
    StudioLine Photo Classic 3 Plus is an equally powerful and
    easy to use software for the convenient management and editing
    of extensive image collections for any digital photography user.
    StudioLine Photo Classic 3 Plus manages images of all common graphics
    formats in a secure "Image Archive" data****
    Categorize your images with textual descriptions of any length in
    system descriptors or your own user descriptors,
    or assign keywords and ratings. After that, locating individual images or
    finding images to match a certain theme will be a trivial task.
    Convenient Geotagging
    With the help of location data supplied by GPS data loggers or digital cameras,
    photos can be displayed on digital maps or satellite images.
    Manual geotagging is as easy as dragging each Photo to its intended
    location on a digital map. StudioLine automatically queries
    the GeoNames web service for location details such as country, city,
    and possibly even street names.
    This allows Photo collections to be quickly searched, filtered and sorted by cities,
    sights or other place names.
    Image Editing and Archiving
    StudioLine Photo Classic 3 Plus comes with an impressive array of
    professional editing tools. With a few simple steps you can turn a set of
    images into a slide show, publish them as a web gallery, burn a CD/DVD or
    send them to friends and family via Email. Also built-in are
    extensive print functions for any format and size imaginable,
    or you can print contact sheets, greeting cards, calendars and CD-covers.
    View your images in your own albums,
    in the advanced Timeline Explorer or by keywords and categories.
    Avoid data loss by backing up your image archive, with all metadata and image edits,
    to CD, DVD or secondary hard disk.

  2. sayed205

    sayed205 Well-Known Member

    رد: أروع برامج التعديل على الصور StudioLine Photo Classic Plusلاضافه التأثيرات والتحكم فى

    مجهود رائع وملحوظ
    تسلم الايادى ياجميل وفى تقدم مستمر
  3. joma

    joma Active Member

    رد: أروع برامج التعديل على الصور StudioLine Photo Classic Plusلاضافه التأثيرات والتحكم فى

    تسلم يا غالى لمرورك الرئع
  4. MohameD

    MohameD .:: C.E.O ::. طاقم الإدارة

    رد: أروع برامج التعديل على الصور StudioLine Photo Classic Plusلاضافه التأثيرات والتحكم فى

    تسلم الايادى يامعلم
    الله ينور عليك