برنامج تحويل شكل ويندوز سفن الى روعة وجمال الـ Xboxمع برنامج MetroXboxSkin Pack 2.0forWindows 7 x86

الموضوع في 'ايجى نت البرامج العام' بواسطة joma, بتاريخ ‏11 مارس 2012.

  1. joma

    joma Active Member

    برنامج تحويل شكل ويندوز سفن الى روعة وجمال
    الــ Xbox مع برنامج
    Metro Xbox Skin Pack 2.0
    for Windows 7 x86/x64

    [COLOR=yellow] [COLOR=Navy][COLOR=Magenta]Metro Xbox Skin Pack 2.0 for Windows 7 x86/x64 | 11MB40ايجى540ايجى540ايجى5
    [COLOR=yellow][COLOR=Navy] Metro Xbox Skin Pack will change the original design of the interface of Windows 7,40ايجى540ايجى5
    [COLOR=yellow][COLOR=Navy] converting it to analog Xbox 360 40ايجى540ايجى5
    [COLOR=yellow][COLOR=Navy](with the addition of elements in the style of Metro from Windows 8) 40ايجى540ايجى5
    [COLOR=yellow][COLOR=Navy]- the second in a row game console from Microsoft, 40ايجى540ايجى5
    [COLOR=yellow][COLOR=Navy]which is a successful competitor for the Sony PlayStation 3, 40ايجى540ايجى5
    [COLOR=yellow][COLOR=Navy]and Nintendo Wii as a gaming system of the seventh generation.40ايجى540ايجى5
    [COLOR=yellow] [COLOR=Navy]All components are included in the theme will install automatically,40ايجى540ايجى5
    [COLOR=yellow][COLOR=Navy] and your actions be limited to running the installer,40ايجى540ايجى5
    [COLOR=yellow][COLOR=Navy] the corresponding bit system (x86 or x64). 40ايجى540ايجى5
    [COLOR=yellow][COLOR=Navy]After the installation will only have to restart Windows,40ايجى540ايجى5
    [COLOR=yellow][COLOR=Navy] and enjoy the changes in the design of "Seven."40ايجى540ايجى5
    [COLOR=yellow][COLOR=Navy] Before you install the theme you want to disable User Account Control, 40ايجى540ايجى5
    [COLOR=yellow][COLOR=Navy]and close all running programs.40ايجى540ايجى5
    [COLOR=yellow][COLOR=Navy] After completing installation, you must reboot the system.40ايجى540ايجى5
    [COLOR=yellow][COLOR=Navy] For quick and correct installation of Metro Xbox Skin Pack must be removed 40ايجى540ايجى5
    [COLOR=yellow][COLOR=Navy](if they have been previously installed), 40ايجى540ايجى5
    [COLOR=yellow][COLOR=Navy]or other other versions of packages to40ايجى540ايجى5
    [COLOR=yellow][COLOR=Navy] customize the interface (Skin Packs).40ايجى540ايجى5
    [COLOR=yellow] 40ايجى5Supported OS:40ايجى540ايجى5
    [COLOR=yellow]40ايجى5 - X86 (32Bit) - Windows 7, Windows 7 SP140ايجى540ايجى5
    [COLOR=yellow]40ايجى5 - For x64 (64Bit) - Windows 7, Windows 7 SP140ايجى540ايجى5
    [COLOR=yellow]40ايجى5 - Support for all system languages40ايجى540ايجى5
    [COLOR=yellow] [COLOR=Teal]Programs that switches on in this topic:40ايجى540ايجى5
    [COLOR=yellow][COLOR=Teal] - Resource Hacker 3.6 by angus johnson40ايجى540ايجى5
    [COLOR=yellow][COLOR=Teal] - Moveex 1.0 by Alexander Frink40ايجى540ايجى5
    [COLOR=yellow][COLOR=Teal] - Universal Theme Patcher by deepxw40ايجى540ايجى5
    [COLOR=yellow][COLOR=Teal] - Win7BootUpdater v0 Beta 1 by jeff40ايجى540ايجى5
    [COLOR=yellow][COLOR=Teal] - RocketDock 1.3.5 by PunkLabs, 40ايجى540ايجى5
    [COLOR=yellow][COLOR=Teal]icons by KingsEight, some icons by dakirby30940ايجى540ايجى5
    [COLOR=yellow][COLOR=Teal] - UberIcon 1.0.4 by PunkLabs40ايجى540ايجى5
    [COLOR=yellow][COLOR=Teal] - Theme By aymengh9940ايجى540ايجى5
    [COLOR=yellow][COLOR=Teal] - Icons by Voodoo_Freak40ايجى540ايجى5
    [COLOR=yellow][COLOR=Teal] - Wallpaper by mymicrosoftlife40ايجى540ايجى5
    [COLOR=yellow][COLOR=Teal] - Cursors by Necro94944540ايجى540ايجى5
    [COLOR=yellow][COLOR=Teal] - Startorb by jeffrockr40ايجى540ايجى5
    [COLOR=yellow][COLOR=Teal] - Boot animation by hivestyler40ايجى540ايجى5
    [COLOR=yellow] 40ايجى5
    [COLOR=yellow][COLOR=Navy] On file:40ايجى540ايجى5
    [COLOR=yellow][COLOR=Navy] Enabling | reg code: not required40ايجى540ايجى5
    [COLOR=yellow][COLOR=Navy] Language: ML / Russian40ايجى540ايجى5
    [COLOR=yellow][COLOR=Navy] File format: rar40ايجى540ايجى5
    [COLOR=yellow][COLOR=Navy] OS: Windows 740ايجى540ايجى5
    [COLOR=yellow] 40ايجى5
    [COLOR=yellow] 40ايجى5
  2. Mr.Crash

    Mr.Crash Active Member

    رد: برنامج تحويل شكل ويندوز سفن الى روعة وجمال الـ Xboxمع برنامج MetroXboxSkin Pack 2.0forWindows 7

    تسلم الايادى يا جميل
  3. MohameD

    MohameD .:: C.E.O ::. طاقم الإدارة

    رد: برنامج تحويل شكل ويندوز سفن الى روعة وجمال الـ Xboxمع برنامج MetroXboxSkin Pack 2.0forWindows 7

    جميل جدا ياجوما
    تسلم الايادى
  4. alibeskri01

    alibeskri01 Member

    رد: برنامج تحويل شكل ويندوز سفن الى روعة وجمال الـ Xboxمع برنامج MetroXboxSkin Pack 2.0forWindows 7

  5. sayedsho3eb

    sayedsho3eb Member

    رد: برنامج تحويل شكل ويندوز سفن الى روعة وجمال الـ Xboxمع برنامج MetroXboxSkin Pack 2.0forWindows 7
