برنامج الحماية الرائع Dr.Web Anti-virus & Security Space Final

الموضوع في 'ايجى نت الارشيف العام' بواسطة ranaaa, بتاريخ ‏18 مارس 2012.

  1. ranaaa

    ranaaa Member


    برنامج دكتور ويب Dr Web هو برنامج رائع جدا من أجل حماية جهاز الحاسوب الخاص بنا من الملفات الخبيثة و الفيروسات و الأختراقات التي تتربص بجهاز الكمبيوتر من الهكرز و يعتبر هذا البرنامج أخر اصدار

    Key functions:
    • Improved! Detection and neutralization of malware on hard drives, removable data storage devices and in RAM
    • Real-time interception of all calls to files on CD/DVD/ Blue –ray/Flash-drives and smart cards
    • Improved! Detection of viruses using rootkit technologies
    • Improved! Protection against unknown threats powered by non-signature detection technology Origins Tracing™ and the intelligent heuristic analyzer
    • Improved! Detection of viruses placed in an archive at any nesting level
    • New! The FLY-CODE technology allows checking files compressed by unknown packers
    • Virus scan of SMTP/POP3/NNTP/IMAP traffic
    • Protection against mass mailings performed by a mail worm from an infected machine
    • Filtering on-the-fly of spam, scams, bounces, phishing and pharming messages.
    • New! Real-time scan of web-pages ensuring that a user receives only clean web-content
    • New! Block of access to phishing sites and other fraudulent web-resources
    • New! Protection against unwanted content
    • New! Block of access to web-sites ****d on 10 categories
    • New! Block of access to movable media, network devices , files and folders on hard drives which protects from destroying or stealing of vital data
    • New! Protection against cyber crime targeting children
    • Protection against annoying Internet ads
    • Protection of account information related to online games, social networks, electronic money systems, credit card numbers and PIN codes
    • Detection of spam-bots
    • On demand/scheduled scan
    • Automatic updating


  2. joma

    joma Active Member