الاصدار الاخير من العملاق FlashGet وعلى روابط مباشرة

الموضوع في 'ايجى نت البرامج العام' بواسطة sayed205, بتاريخ ‏9 ابريل 2012.

  1. sayed205

    sayed205 Well-Known Member




    FlashGet is one of the most popular download managers today and is known for higher speeds compared to similar software products - this is due to the fact that it splits the files on up to 10 smaller segments, which are then downloaded simultaneously. FlashGet has simple interface, is easy to use, and supports various protocols like HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, BT, MMS, MMST, RTSP, ed2k.

    New FlashGet features:

    Optimize the system resource
    FlashGet can use up the lowest system resources and will not influence your normal work or study.

    Call anti-virus automatically
    FlashGet can call anti-virus automatically to clean viruses, spyware and adware after finishing download.

    100% Clean, free
    No adware and spyware. Easy to install and use.

    Increase the download speed and stability
    Flashget can increase download speed from 6-10 times. It uses MHT (Multi-server Hyper-threading Transportation) technique and optimization arithmetic and it

    SupportHTTP,FTP,BT,eMule and other various protocols
    FlashGet supports HTTP,FTP,BT,MMS,RTSP and other protocols. It is seamless between protocols and there is no need to operate manually for download switch. The One Touch technique optimizes BT download and can automatically download target files after getting seeds information, hence no need to operate again.

    Powerful files management feature
    It supports unlimited categories. Each category is assigned a download saving directory. The powerful management feature can support drag and drop, adding and description, search, rename, etc.

    Tags: flashget, flash get, download manager, file transfer, download file, resume download, downloader, transfer, resume file, most popular




    ايجى نت ملوك هاكات كروس فيرا هل من منافس ؟
    ترقبوا كل جديد وحصرى على منتدى الابداع والتميز ايجى نت الاصلى فى الحصرى
    40ايجى540ايجى5وكما قال المبدع ايجى نت عالم من التميز والمبدع / ويبقى لينا السباق 40ايجى540ايجى5
    40ايجى540ايجى5تم الرفع باسم المنتدى العزيز ايجى نت 40ايجى540ايجى5
    40ايجى540ايجى5سبحان الله40ايجى540ايجى5
  2. MohameD

    MohameD .:: C.E.O ::. طاقم الإدارة

    رد: الاصدار الاخير من العملاق FlashGet وعلى روابط مباشرة

    تسلم الايادى ياسيد
  3. sayed205

    sayed205 Well-Known Member

    رد: الاصدار الاخير من العملاق FlashGet وعلى روابط مباشرة

    شكرنا لمرورك العطر يامعلم
    والمتابعة المستمرة ونورت صفحتى وايجى نت كلوا