حصريا برنامج X-NetStat Professional v5.59لمراقبة المنافـذ المفتوحة تحميل مبـاشـرعلى ايجى نت

الموضوع في 'ايجى نت البرامج العام' بواسطة joma, بتاريخ ‏23 ابريل 2012.

  1. joma

    joma Active Member


    X-NetStat Professional v5.59
    برنامج معرفه المنافذ المفتوحة في جهازك ومن يستخدمها، معرفه المتصل
    معك والمنفذ الذي يستخدمه ، يحتفظ بجميع المواقع او البرامج التي تتصل
    بك وايضا يقوم بحفظ عناوين المواقع والبرامج التي يتم حجبها.
    X-NetStat displays information on your current Internet and network connections,
    much like the console netstat.exe program, but in a graphical interface.
    These connections are established each time you visit a web page, send an instant message,
    check your email,
    or anytime you do network activity that requires you to connect to another computer.
    They also appear when outside computers attempt to connect to your machine,
    authorized or not. Each connection is displayed in the Connection Table,
    where you can see the address you are connected to,
    what ports (local and remote) are being used, the connection status,
    how long the connection has been active, the program behind the connection,
    and how much bandwidth is being used.
    X-NetStat Professional contains powerful features like
    a Rules System that lets you set up actions ****d on network conditions,
    a comprehensive Network Statistics window displaying
    information on network interfaces and protocols,
    a Web Server that lets you access XNS information remotely,
    a collection of Lookup Tools
    (TraceRoute, WHOIS, Finger, DNS, Web Search, etc),
    and many more features.
    Fresh Software has been improving X-NetStat for
    the last 7 years ****d on user feedback. With a smart graphical user interface,
    a rich feature set,
    and innovative concepts,
    X-NetStat Professional is critical tool that administrators and power
    users should not be without.

    كود PHP:
    Display all TCP Connections UDP listens 
    Connection InfoAddressesStatusPortsetc 
    Process InfoShow program EXE behind connections 
    Location Info1-Click Auto-WHOIS 
    System InfoUptimeMAC AddressWorkgroupetc 
    Ability to Kill/Disconnect connections 
    Nuke Connections (mass kill
    DNS Cache for fast hostname resolution 
    Log XNS activity to file Log Manager 
    Feature-Centric customizable toolbar 
    ViewBar System Tray Access 
    Remote Access thru X-NetStat Web Server 
    Comprehensive Port Information Data**** 
    Get External IP address 
    Show In/Out Traffic Rates LED traffic lights 
    1-Click access to common DOS network commands 
    Banish Hostname (prevent outgoing connections
    Condition/Action Rules system 
    - Print / Save Connection Table 
    Customize Columns Toolbar buttons 
    Customize Status Bar 
    Customize External Programs 
    Customize Font Appearance 
    Extensive set of configurable Options 
    Lookup Tools (WHOISTraceRouteetc
    Net Stats (Interface, TCPIPICMPUDP
    Check for Updates 
    Assign addresses ”friendly” names 
    Filter/Search Connections 
    Bulk IP Import Tool (resolve IP lists
    AutoRefresh Pause buttons
    Homepage - www.freshsoftware.com
    40ايجى5[URL="http://egy.egynt.net/62349.html"]http://egy.egynt.net/62349.html [/URL]40ايجى5



  2. Mark.0nline

    Mark.0nline Active Member

    رد: حصريا برنامج X-NetStat Professional v5.59لمراقبة المنافـذ المفتوحة تحميل مبـاشـرعلى ايجى نت

    تسلم ايدك يا جوما
  3. loda010

    loda010 Member

    رد: حصريا برنامج X-NetStat Professional v5.59لمراقبة المنافـذ المفتوحة تحميل مبـاشـرعلى ايجى نت

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