لعبة السباق Ringed Drag Strip بحجم 17 ميجا

الموضوع في 'منتدى العاب الكمبيوتر الكاملة' بواسطة feisty, بتاريخ ‏11 سبتمبر 2012.

  1. feisty

    feisty Active Member

    لعبة السباق Ringed Drag Strip بحجم 17 ميجا


    Ringed Drag Strip
    If you a fan of free ringed car racing, this is your game! Choose a car and a team and get through a whole of the Grand Prix. You can also choose the single race and quick start modes. The training mode will help you to improve your skills in passing the sharp turns and staying on the track. Hold your steering wheel tight and watch it! Your rivals are strong and will not allow a novice to get the upper hand. If you are ready to encounter them wheel-to-wheel, go for it! The free car racing game has a blur effect, superb graphics
    System Requirements
    Microsoft Windows NT/2000/XP or better
    Pentium 200mhz or better
    64 MB RAM
    15 MB hard drive space
    800x600 display resolution mode or higher
    High or true color highly recommended
    DirectX 5.0 or better





    مسـاحـة اللعبـه 17 ميجا


  2. MohameD

    MohameD .:: C.E.O ::. طاقم الإدارة

    رد: لعبة السباق Ringed Drag Strip بحجم 17 ميجا

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