A Linux 14.0 -2010 Approved architecture(s) AMD / Intel aLinux™ is an advanced Office/Multimedia RPM based GNU/Linux distribution. Installing new programs, applications and updating your system from time-to-time has never been easier using our Synaptic Package Management System. aLinux™ is a Hobbyist Software Linux Operating System already designed to replace both Microsoft Windows 7 XP/Vista and Apple Mac OS X. While sporting an even more visually stunning Graphical User Interface then our competitors, we still are able to maintain a high level of sophistication, experienced Linux users, have come to appreciate. We believe Linux hobbyists, new users and advanced users, will find the aLinux™ Operating System an utmost FAST and EXTREMELY FUN distribution. LINUX Operating System - GCC 4.1.2 - Glibc 2.5 - Kernel 2.6.34 - Multimedia Distribution. Kernel 2.6.34. GUI consists of Xorg 7.5, KDE 3.5.10, KOFFICE 1.6.3. w/ DBUS/HAL hardware integration. Web Browsing Made Easy. Gecko/20100322 Firefox/3.5, & Links CLI WWW Browser. Communications Made Easy. aMule P2P eDonkey Netw., GTK P2P GNutella/GNet, Kopete mesenger for Yahoo, MSN, ICQ, AIM/AOL with cam/voice, eKiga cam/voice, LinPhone cam/voice, XChat, KMAIL S/R - NEWS Client/Reader, Motion Security Detection System (requires a web camera). For Game Lovers. ATI/nVidia - 3Dfx Glide Voodoo 1,2,3,4,5, VR, VG & V-Banshee Support. Business Admin. Made Easy. Graphical Setup For Your HTTP, Ftp Servers. MySQL/PostgreSQL, PHP, SSHd, LISAd, Fish, NFSd/Telnetd. Editing Made Easy With. MC Hex-Editor, Advanced UTF-8 GVIM Vi Editor, Kate, KWrite, KEdit. Multimedia Made Easy. Shout/ICE Cast, OggVorbis, Real Audio, etc. Media Player(s Size : 650 mb HotFile http://egy.egynt.net/10563.html http://egy.egynt.net/10564.html http://egy.egynt.net/10565.html http://egy.egynt.net/10566.html Megaupload http://egy.egynt.net/10567.html http://egy.egynt.net/10568.html http://egy.egynt.net/10569.html http://egy.egynt.net/10570.html
رد: حصريا توزيعه لينكس الجديده في اخر اصدار لها ALinux 14.0 -2010 بحجم 650 ميجا شكرا على الموضوع الرائع موفق دوما باذن الله تحياتي
رد: حصريا توزيعه لينكس الجديده في اخر اصدار لها ALinux 14.0 -2010 بحجم 650 ميجا بارك الله فيك تسلم ايدك