النهاردة جايبلكم خبر كويس وهو أخيراً الشركة قررت انها تعمل تعديلات على شخصية الأرشر حتى يظهر بمستوى اقوى وتقوم بأرتقاء مستواه ليكون زى الشخصيات التانية قوى وترجع الارشر لقوته Merry Christmas, every....! On the happiest day of the year, the CO team would like to wish you and your family a happy holiday and the best luck in the New Year. And we have some special gift for Archers: there will be a new expansion in January which will unveil another identify of Archers – the Oriental Assassin! Archers have been hiding this secret identity for years. Now, it is time for them to show their real strength. Once equipped with a throwing knife, Archers will take on their second identity – Assassin, who has a totally different combat style and a set of new skills. They will be attacking enemies from distance with throwing knives. With even more powerful skills, Assassins will not only keep fames in PvE battles but will also be able to prove themselves in the PvP battles. Every Archer can transform into Assassin and their current equipment won't be outdated. The only requirement is to equip a throwing knife which will be given by the CO team, for free! More information and trailers will be released soon! Stay tuned on the official site! With the new Expansion hitting the world of CO, Assassin will be the unique class in classic CO and CO 2.0, and the competition will become even more fierce ترجمة مختصرة : الشركة بتهنىء اللاعبين بمناسبة الكريسماس وبتقول انها قررت انها بتقدم هدايا مميزة للشخصيات الأرشر وهى عن طريق اضافة مهارات (اسـكلات) جديدة للارشر وسلاح جديد للشخصية لكى تتمكن من القتال مثل باقية الشخصيات والتعديلات دى هتكون لـ كونكر 2.0 و كلاسيك كونكر وميعاد نزول هذه التعديلات شهر يناير القادم صـور الشخصية بالـسلاح الجديد والـشكل الجــديد المصدر http://egy.egynt.net/103127.html