عملاق صنع الاسطوانات الوهمية DAEMON Tools Pro Advanced 4.36.0309.0160 في اخر نسخه

الموضوع في 'ايجى نت البرامج العام' بواسطة Aloudy, بتاريخ ‏17 أغسطس 2010.

  1. Aloudy

    Aloudy Active Member

    DAEMON Tools Pro Advanced 4.36.0309.0160

    DAEMON Tools Pro Advanced - The best product for optical media emulation. It supports many image formats CD. The program emulates a conventional disk drives and the protection type BACKUPcopies (SafeDisc), Securom and Laserlock.

    Features DAEMON Tools Pro Advanced:

    - automatic updates
    - poses *. iso and *. mds images by using preset profiles
    - emulates up to 32 CD / DVD / HD DVD / Blu-ray devices
    - supports up to 2 IDE devices
    - burning verify functionality
    - compression of images
    - provides an opportunity to mount an image folder
    - protects the image with password
    - manages image collection
    - contains a converter
    - shows the properties of virtual devices
    - provides a friendly user interface

    What's new in this version:

    - SPTD 1.69
    - Ability to work in offline mode (offline) up to 60 days
    - Support for 4 virtual IDE-devices in addition to the 32-meter SCSI-drive versions of Pro Advanced
    - DAEMON Tools Pro gadget to access the main features of the program in - Windows 7 and Windows Vista
    - Improved design of the main menu and toolbar of the program
    - New option: Hide the system tray at the closing
    - The ability to create images of the discs in the formats MP3, APE, FLAC and others with an editor of images
    - Added multiseansovy mode for recording discs
    - The new interface is the editor of images
    - Language updates.


    - Image Editor issues with boot images editing;
    - Program freeze with U3 SanDisk USB flash drive;
    - Connection issues for 3G modems which provide virtual CD drive;
    - Some minor bugs.

    Operating system: Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/7





    YASMENA Active Member

    الله عليك يا برنس الحصريات
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  3. ضى القمر

    ضى القمر Active Member

    ماشاء الله ياعلودى
    شكرا ليك
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  4. Camp Devil

    Camp Devil Member

  5. FirstMan

    FirstMan Active Member

    رد: عملاق صنع الاسطوانات الوهمية DAEMON Tools Pro Advanced 4.36.0309.0160 في اخر نسخه

    شكرا علودي على البرنامج المهم
  6. ho2

    ho2 New Member

    رد: عملاق صنع الاسطوانات الوهمية DAEMON Tools Pro Advanced 4.36.0309.0160 في اخر نسخه

  7. ho2

    ho2 New Member

    رد: عملاق صنع الاسطوانات الوهمية DAEMON Tools Pro Advanced 4.36.0309.0160 في اخر نسخه

    اشكرك على المجهود
  8. قمر

    قمر Active Member

    رد: عملاق صنع الاسطوانات الوهمية DAEMON Tools Pro Advanced 4.36.0309.0160 في اخر نسخه

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