Jeppesen Data Cycle 1302 for iPad Mobile FD/TC Full World

الموضوع في 'ايجى نت الارشيف العام' بواسطة so131086, بتاريخ ‏21 يناير 2013.

  1. so131086

    so131086 Guest

    Jeppesen Data Cycle 1302 for iPad Mobile FD/TC Full World | 1.1 GB
    The following tables show the effective dates for NavData cycles. NavData provides the latest navigational data for your flight planning software and may also carry the latest version of the program. NavData Updates are available for download up to 10 days prior to the effective date.

    Jeppesen (also known as Jeppesen Sanderson) is an American company that specializes in navigational information, operations management solutions and flight training products and services. Airlines and pilots, ship operators and boaters, and railway companies use Jeppesen charts and data for navigation, and operations management tools to plan flights and voyages, schedule crews and fleets and otherwise optimize their operations. The company is a subsidiary of The Boeing Company.
    Jeppesen also publishes related software, some of which is used on its electronic flight bag and in others offered by avionics manufacturers and other third parties.

    Download links:
  2. عراقي انا

    عراقي انا Active Member

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