Attention all GP Hunters! Are your GP supplies exhausted from cracking open crates of the new KSG-15? Then now is the time to stock up! We're giving away an immense amount of GP starting from Friday through until Sunday! For each kill in game, get 1 GP point added to your account, up to a maximum of 5,000 per day. That's right! This weekend you can earn up to 15,000 FREE GP just for playing Cross Fire and scoring big kills vs friend and opponent alike! In addition to that, we're also going to give you extra GP for Mutation Mode (5 points = 1 gp), HM and HMX games as well as Zombie Mode boss kills (1 normal boss kill = 100 gp). The fun starts on Friday January 25th so get in there and start collecting those points because each one is worth GP! Details GP will be awarded between 2:00am - 10:00am the following day ....d on your previous days stats. 1 Kill = 1 GP. 5 Kills/Points in MM, HM and HMX games = 1 GP. 1 Normal Zombie Mode boss kill = 100 GP. You can track your stats on the event page starting at 12:01am EST January 25th. Each day will be tracked and the points awarded automatically the next day. There is a maximum of 5,000 GP points available to earn each day. This is extra gp above and beyond what you normally earn. There no minimum user requirements in a room.
رد: Cross Fire - Kills for GP Weekend! Earn GP اللهم أحفظ مصر وأهلها من كل سوء ,اسأل الله العلي القدير وبأسمائه الحسنى وفي هذه الساعات المباراكات من يوم الجمعة أن يجنب مصر وأهلها الفتن ما ظهر منها وما بطن.
رد: Cross Fire - Kills for GP Weekend! Earn GP اللهم امين , اناا سعودي بس اهل مصر [المسلمين] احبهم و هم مثل اخواني تحياتي لـ مصر و اهلها اللهم احفظ مصر و اهلها و السعوديه و اهلهاا من الفتن اللهم اميين