Attention Hellfire Seekers! We're heating up your weapon stockpiles with some bonus Hellfire crates! From January 30th until Feb 3rd pick up a bonus M37 Stakeout Hellfire crate for every 20 Dual Colt Hellfire crates you purchase! Get these extra bonuses and grab the best chance to win the latest Hellfire weapon for your Cross Fire arsenal! January 30th 12:01am EST - February 3rd 11:59pm EST Get 1 Free M37 Stakeout Hellfire crate for every 20 Dual Colt Hellfire crates you purchase! Z8Games trying to get more money
رد: Hellfire Crate Giveaway تسلم يا معلم بس يا ريت تكتب شوية عربي في الموضوع وبرجاء رفع صورة للايفينت
رد: Hellfire Crate Giveaway دة من موقع الرئسى كروس فاير و بعدين انا كل مرة بجيب من موقع و شغلة دة اول مرة تعمل كدة معايا