!!!!!!(New (X-Trap !!!!!!!!

الموضوع في 'شروحات واسرار لعبه كروس فاير Crossfire' بواسطة bibo254, بتاريخ ‏30 يناير 2013.

  1. bibo254

    bibo254 Member


    يجماعة بلاش هاكر دلوفتى او بكرة علشان فى باتش جديد هينزل و اكس تراب جديد يعنى خدو بلاكو بس كدة و ادى كلام الجيم
    Attention all Legitimate Cross Fire players! We are working directly with Smilegate (developers) and Wiselogic (X-Trap) on the current hacking situation.
    We have seen these kinds of hacks before, we're aware of them currently, and we are looking to make major strides as soon as possible against this latest wave of hacks.
    Our goal is to improve the user experience for all our legitimate players, and we won't stop until we've gotten rid of this latest threat. As always X-Trap is catching a ton of players and we're banning ....... every day so please continue to report them through our website.
    We have a lot of improvements to the game coming up including measures against hacker so stay tuned for more information! Thanks everyone for being a fan and get ready for some amazing events coming soon!
  2. عراقي انا

    عراقي انا Active Member

    رد: !!!!!!(New (X-Trap !!!!!!!!

    تسلم يا معلم على التبيه
  3. gooon

    gooon Guest

    رد: !!!!!!(New (X-Trap !!!!!!!!
