تحميل برنامج تسريع مشاهدة الفيديو , الاصدار الجديد من عملاق تسريع مشاهدة الفيديوهات من اليوتيوب و غي

الموضوع في 'ايجى نت البرامج العام' بواسطة joma, بتاريخ ‏14 مايو 2013.

  1. joma

    joma Active Member

    SpeedBit Video accelerator Premium
    v3.3.7.8 build 3061 Final
    الاصدار الجديد من البرنامج المميز
    SpeedBit Video accelerator Premiumv3.3.7.8 build 3061 Final
    وظيفة البرنامج باختصار هى تسريع مشاهدة الفيديو من اليوتيوب
    و المواقع المشابهة له التى تقدم خدمات Online Streaming
    فإذا كنت تعانى من مشكلات بطء النت و التى تؤدى بدورها إلى بطء المشاهدة
    أونلاين فهذا البرنامج هو الحل الأمثل لك للتغلب على هذه المشكلة
    يمكنك البرنامج من تسريع مشاهدة و تحميل الفيديوهات بما فى ذلك الفيديوهات
    عالية الدقة HD بسهولة تامة دون القلق من مشكلة بطء اتصال الانترنت
    برنامج مميز جدا و يستخدمه لكثيرون حول العالم .. ينصح به

    SpeedBit Video accelerator will make your videos stream faster and play smoother,
    reducing buffering problems and Video "hiccups".
    With speedbit Video accelerator premium you'll enjoy the future of
    HD videos without the freezing and buffering problems of today. Additionally,
    with built-in Twitter integration you can Tweet your favorite videos as you watch them.
    premium users also receive blazing fast
    iTunes downloads speeds so you can enjoy all your iTunes music, movie,
    and TV show purchases even faster.[cut]

    A recent independent review found that Video accelerator
    greatly reduces Video buffering problems.
    Acceleration is powered by SpeedBit's unique patented technology
    that streams videos from multiple sources simultaneously ensuring
    the fastest loading and the most enjoyable user experience.

    This unique technology is one of
    the primary reasons speedbit was recognized as a 2008 Technology
    Pioneer by the World Economic Forum.
    speedbit Video accelerator supports videos
    from over 150 leading sites such as Yahoo,
    Dailymotion, Metacafe, Facebook, MySpace, 5min, Veoh,
    Grouper, Stage 6, AOL Video, Bebo, Break
    , EA, ESPN and many more.
    New sites are being added on a continual basis.

    Here are some key features of speedbit Video Accelerator
    • Reduces movies freezes and buffering problems!
    • Accelerates streaming videos from
    over 150 Video sites including MySpace,
    Yahoo, Metacafe, DailyMotion, Stage6, 5min,
    Facebook, Reuters, photobucket,
    Tudou, Bebo, Break, ESPN, AOL, CNN,
    Discovery, Veoh and many more!
    • Bookmarks videos you've recently accelerated for easy replays!
    • Includes cool search feature for finding videos to watch around the web,
    right from your desktop!

    Enjoy the future of internet Video with High Definition Video acceleration.
    Accelerate videos with bit rates above 200 KBps for
    the most visually stunning streaming videos,
    and see what the web is like in HD.

    Video accelerator is a powerful tool that let’s you enjoy larger,
    higher resolution videos without the wait.
    Accelerate High Quality videos with bit rates up to 200 KBps for clearer,
    more vibrant images.

    Watch your favorite web videos smoothly without buffering and freezing problems.
    With acceleration for YouTube and 165 of the most popular Video sites,
    you can watch the videos you want, the way you want.

    Get all your favorite iTunes music,
    music videos, movies, and TV shows even faster.
    Video accelerator is the perfect companion to the
    iTunes Store since it is especially designed to accelerate the downloading
    of rich media ******* such as music and movies.

    Free Video Downloader toolbar that lets you save web videos to your computer.
    Now you can download your favorite videos from YouTube,
    Facebook, and other flash Video sites,
    quickly and easily with one simple click.

    Just install Free Video accelerator for
    YouTube and it will work with your web browser to
    automatically accelerate videos from over 165 sites.
    Video accelerator knows what kind of Video you are
    streaming and accelerates it accordingly.

  2. hussein000

    hussein000 Active Member

    رد: تحميل برنامج تسريع مشاهدة الفيديو , الاصدار الجديد من عملاق تسريع مشاهدة الفيديوهات من اليوتيوب و غيره SpeedBit Video Accelerator Premium v3.3.7.8 Build , تحميل برنامج تسريع مشاهدة الفيديو من اليو

  3. C.E.O

    C.E.O Administrator

    رد: تحميل برنامج تسريع مشاهدة الفيديو , الاصدار الجديد من عملاق تسريع مشاهدة الفيديوهات من اليوتيوب و غيره SpeedBit Video Accelerator Premium v3.3.7.8 Build , تحميل برنامج تسريع مشاهدة الفيديو من اليو

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