Burberry iPhone 5 Cases Wallets

الموضوع في 'ايجى نت الارشيف العام' بواسطة كلم المرور, بتاريخ ‏21 مايو 2013.

  1. كلم المرور

    كلم المرور New Member

    If you’re an Apple products user user, you’ve probably heard of Burberry iPhone 5 Case. The case maker is known for its great leather quality, luxurious styling and craftsmanship. We tested the Burberry Case for this review, but imacbookcases.com also offers pouch cases and leather skin cases which includes one model that can fit in a docking station. These cases range from $29 to $52.

    The other famous item from them is the Gucci iPhone 5 Case made by different genuine leather and all of them are really nice and beautiful.