WTS:BBlackberry Tk Victory,BlackBerry Porsche P'9981&Samsung Galaxy S4 (PIN 29DF1BAE)

الموضوع في 'ايجى نت الارشيف العام' بواسطة axiomtelec, بتاريخ ‏3 يونيو 2013.

  1. axiomtelec

    axiomtelec New Member

    Axiom Telecom is the best selling BlackBerry mobile phone store in UAE. Shop online for BlackBerry cell phones in Middle East Countries,Products are sold by the case and prices of our wholesale supplies are as cheap or in many cases cheaper than wholesale suppliers who buy in bulk below wholesale merchandise products,

    (Promo Offer Buy 2 get 1 Free 30% discount on 5 units order above)

    Special pin also available


    Blackberry Blade
    Blackberry Z10
    Blackberry Q10
    BlackBerry Porsche P'9981
    Blackberry Tk Victory

    Apple iphone 5 64GB
    Apple iphone 5 32GB
    Apple iPhone 5 16GB

    Samsung Galaxy S4
    Samsung Galaxy s3

    Nokia Lumia 710

    Sales Rep Name:Abdul Khaaliq Ameer
    E-mail:[email protected]
    E-mail:[email protected]
    AGENT BLACKBERRY PIN (29DF1BAE) 24hours chat

    SHUKRAN!!SHUKRAN!!SHUKRAN!! May Allah be with all our numerous customers