تحميل برنامج الحماية افج , عملاق الحماية الشهير AVG 2013.13.0.3345 Build 6382 Final بنسختيه انتى فير

الموضوع في 'منتدى برامج الحماية' بواسطة REMA, بتاريخ ‏10 يونيو 2013.

  1. REMA

    REMA Member

    AVG - 2013.13.0.3345 Build 6382 Final
    البرنامج العملاق للحماية الشاملة من الفيروسات
    AVG - Anti-Virus Pro 2013.13.0.3345 build 6382 Final
    AVG - Internet Security 2013.13.0.3345 build 6382 Final
    مكافح الفيروسات والغنى عن التعريف AVG
    البرنامج أحد أفضل برامج الحمايه فى العالم تأكد معه انك بمأمن من
    الفيروسات والتروجانات ومحاولات الاختراق
    برنامج سهل فى استخدامه قوى فى ادارته لجهازك وحمايتة من الفيروسات
    ويفحص كل شارده ووارده إلى جهازك
    ها هو البرنامج ياتينا فى اصداره المتنظر لعام 2013 باخر التحديثات الجديدة
    و المميزة كما عودنا دائما
    ورغم ذلك لا يحتاج إلى استهلاك الكثير من موارد جهازك
    برنامج رهيب ينصح به
    Complete protection for everything you do!
    With AVG Internet Security,
    our most advanced protection,
    you get a worry-free online experience every time.
    This award-winning product gives you unbeatable I
    nternet security by protecting against viruses, spyware,
    spam and malicious websites.
    AVG Internet Security is a reliable and easy-to-use solution
    for home and small office users which is trusted
    by millions of users worldwide.
    AVG Internet Security’s multiple layers of
    protection mean you don’t have to worry about identity theft,
    spam or viruses.
    And it’ll even prevent you from
    accidentally visiting harmful sites.
    It’s faster, smarter security
    that won’t slow your computer down.
    With AVG Internet Security
    you also have access for the first time to
    AVG Identity
    Theft Recovery Unit that will help you get
    your life back in order if you ever become a
    victim of identity theft
    – online or offline.

    Essential protection that won’t get in your way!
    If you use your computer every day,
    you need protection that’s always there,
    constantly keeping you safe.
    With AVG Anti-Virus,
    you get hassle-free protection against today’s
    most sophisticated threats, online and offline.
    AVG Anti-Virus includes our unique LinkScanner®
    to prevent you from accidentally
    visiting harmful sites.
    It’s faster,
    smarter security that won’t slow you down.
    AVG Antivirus is one of
    the most complete programs we have found to date.
    It includes many new options to make it one
    of the most effective virus scanners on the market.
    It is still plagued by horrible slowdowns at times.
    Even things so simple as just typing
    an IM can be stopped
    for several seconds for
    some reason.
    If you can get passed the occasional slowdowns of your computer,
    the scanning functionality
    of AVG Antivirus is top of the line.
    With the rewrite of the scanning engine,
    AVG includes multi-processor support.

    Surfing and searching the web, social networking
    • LinkScanner® Active Surf-Shield Ensures every web page you visit is safe – even before you go there
    • LinkScanner® Search-Shield Applies safety ratings to your Google, Bing/MSN and Yahoo search results
    • NEW Superior Phishing Protection Checks to make sure web pages really are what they appear to be

    Emailing, chatting, and downloading
    • Web Shield Lets you download and exchange files without risking virus infections
    • E-mail Scanner Keeps you safe from dangerous attachments and links in your e-mail

    Whether you’re online or offline
    • Anti-Virus Makes sure you can’t get or spread a virus, worm, or Trojan horse
    • Anti-Spyware Prevents unauthorized information access by spyware and adware
    • Anti-Rootkit Ensures even the toughest and most sophisticated threats are kept off your PC
    • Game Mode Keeps you safe without interrupting your game-play
    • Update Manager Makes sure you’re always protected against the latest threats – automatically
    يمكنك تحميل التفعيل


    AV x86 |
    AV x64 |
    IS x86 |
    IS x64 | [COLOR=Black]40ايجى5[COLOR=Black]40ايجى5[COLOR=Black]

    AV x86 |
    AV x64 |
    IS x86 |
    IS x64 | [COLOR=Black]40ايجى5[COLOR=Black]

    AV x86 |
    AV x64 |
    IS x86 |
    IS x64 | [COLOR=Black]

    AV x86 |
    AV x64 |

    IS x86 |
    IS x64 |

    AV x86 |
    AV x64 |
    IS x86 |

    IS x64 |

    AV x86 |

    AV x64 |

    IS x86 |

    IS x64 |

    AV x86 |
    AV x64 |
    IS x86 |
    IS x64
  2. MohameD

    MohameD .:: C.E.O ::. طاقم الإدارة

    رد: تحميل برنامج الحماية افج , عملاق الحماية الشهير AVG 2013.13.0.3345 Build 6382 Final بنسختيه انتى فيروس و انترنت سيكيوريتى فى اخر اصداراته للنواتين 32 بت و 64 بت , تحميل برنامج الحماية للنواتين

    ما شاء الله عليكى ياعسل
  3. hussein000

    hussein000 Active Member

    رد: تحميل برنامج الحماية افج , عملاق الحماية الشهير AVG 2013.13.0.3345 Build 6382 Final بنسختيه انتى فيروس و انترنت سيكيوريتى فى اخر اصداراته للنواتين 32 بت و 64 بت , تحميل برنامج الحماية للنواتين

    Thanks ya m3lm