Give your best shot at the office with these yoga stretches

الموضوع في 'ايجى نت الارشيف العام' بواسطة albeewjzp, بتاريخ ‏3 أغسطس 2013.

  1. albeewjzp

    albeewjzp Guest

    1. Mind your head: Let’s start with the head first, for Lululemon Canada this is the region where it all starts from! Place your hands on the temples and massage them gently for a minute or two. Massaging relaxes the nerves that connect to lululemon yoga pants the mind and wise decisions come from a calm and relaxed mind.

    2. Raise your eyebrows: Most of us raise yoga pants them only to express our dismay or confusion! We only realize their existence when we touch and feel them or when we are at the spa getting a facial done. Lululemon Sale Take a break from work for a few minutes and pinch your eyebrows using your index finger and the thumb. Do this around 8-10 times and notice the difference.

    3. For your eyes only: Roll your eyes over from the left corner to the right and up and down. Try to increase the angle of your view with each circle. The eyes suffer a lot during long hours of staring at the computer screen. Give them a break every 30-45 minutes by looking at a far-sighted object. Lululemon Outlet This would exercise the eye muscles for long-sightedness. Blinking them 10-15 times lululemon yoga pants loosens the otherwise stressed nerves joining the eyes and the eye socket. Blinking your eyes more frequently throughout the day improves your vision.