PlayOnGrid - Thor 110 cap

الموضوع في 'ايجى نت الارشيف العام' بواسطة Iso, بتاريخ ‏3 أغسطس 2013.

  1. Iso

    Iso New Member



    We are a young team who has desires, dreams and we want to make some huge realizations and this is why we started that project.

    We want you to understand that we will give everything that's best from us , we will sacrifice everything to make things work as good and smooth as possible.

    We really enjoy doing this job, even if its hard to satisfy everyone.


    Future plans ?

    We developed a Plan for Our Future which sets the foundations for improvements across PlayOnGrid.

    There are five key objectives of this Plan:

    * To release more and more games . Our first game was SRO Online . But we will not stop at SRO , more will come along the way;
    * Improving our relationship with the community;
    * Aligning our structures, systems and processes with our vision;
    * Delivering services more efficiently.


    Official Links

    Website: Play On Grid Official Homepage
    Registration: Registration Page
    Download: Download Page
    Facebook : Official Facebook Page
    Forum : Play On Grid Forum


    Thor Update.

    Like we already promise you i come with some good news about the update .
    We establish a date and that will be on : 4 August at 16:00 Pm Server Time. The update will take 2h so the server will be back online on 18:00 pm server time GMT+2.*


    The changes that will be made on Thor Realm will be :

    * We changed Egy b drop rate so it will increased a bit but still you will have to work for it ;


    * We added FREE SILK per day for being online in game(soon i will post a topic about this in order to keep you informed, i mean i will show u how many free silk u can get in a day by being online and winning fun points and also making trades);


    * We added grains on Forgotten World and Water Temple*;


    * We reduce prices on Item Mall at Advance Elixir B and on custom Titles*;

    * We added new titles on Item Mall;

    * We added extra pages for the pick pet like u can see on the next image:


    * There will be some modification on trades : more profit on trades and also every week we will reward the most active players on job activity :


    * We added a special Lucky Power ( which has a chanse double that the one that exist on the server at the moment ) . You will be able to find it on Jupiter Temple and Forgotten World ;

    * In the day of update we will reset the Fortress War and we will let opened only Hotan Fortress in order to make more activity on the server . In the future we will be able to open again the other Fortresses when we will have more players ;


    * You will find on the npc PlayOnGrid Shop , in every town , near the storage .


    * You will be able to use the coins system that you will find on the npc PlayOnGrid Shop , in every town , near the storage ;


    * You are able to get Accessories 11D Edy B from PlayOnGrid Shop with : arena coins ,*gold*coins , silver coins , copper coins and iron coins .(soon i will post a guide about the coins , where u can find them , how u can use the system)

    * You will be able to find gold coins , iron coins , silver coins and copper coins in Water Temple and in Job Temple ;


    * In order to try to balance the races (European and Chinese) we added Silkroad R Skills ;



    Events that will start immediately after the update :

    Happy Event .
    This event procedure is to kill mobs from all over the map and to try to reach all the letters from the word "Happy" . After you made the word you will have to go to So-Ok Npc and can random rewards .


    Avatar week .
    During a week you will be able to buy any old avatar that already was on the item mall until the respective date . A new thread where u will be able to see all the avatars will be posted soon . The avatars will have the same price like were on item mall .


    Promotion on " Buying credits " .
    Were you will receive 50% more fun points during 3 days : from 4th August 16:00 GMT +2 till 7th August 16:00 GMT +2


    Random events .
    Made by Admins , GM's and Test Gm's like : Guild War , Pvp , Trade Events and more !



    Future Updates

    *We will add in the future Rank for Unique Kills
    *We will add in the future on website the option to request Unique Titles
    *We will add in the future on the website the option to get a VIP account . A VIP account means more privileges on website like : more forum options , titles on forum , extra fun points on "Buying credits" , more fun points , more option on editing the account and much more .
    *We will add in the future on the server , clock reincarnation for pet for 24h
    *We will add in the future on npc more items that give str, int , crit , mag attack , Magic defense and much more .

    Keep in touch with us on forum , website , facebook and also with the staff in game to be aware about changes !
    We hope you will enjoy what we prepare for all of you !


    Other information about the server.

    Fortress War : Hotan fortress is enabled and working 100% and the fortress war will take place every Saturday at 17:00 Server Time.( And if it's required in the future we can enable the rest of the fortress )

    Forgotten World : All the dungeons work starting with 7 Degree up to 11 Degree you can enter from the minimum level required to the maximum level in all of the dungeons.

    Holy Water Temple : Is working and is scripted like it should be intended to work. You can find all the Uniques inside.


    Other Screen Shots

    Working Job Rankings .


    New fellow pets .


    Custom scrolls .


    Custom Arena Item Manager Items .






    PlayOnGrid Team
