درس عمل سرير على برنامج 3d max

الموضوع في 'منتدى دروس الفوتوشوب' بواسطة Ήatha«a2na, بتاريخ ‏24 سبتمبر 2010.

  1. Ήatha«a2na

    Ήatha«a2na Member

    Hello guys I will show how create a 3dsmax 3d bed model tutorial.
    I have used following techniques shown below in this 3ds max tutorial.

    [1]-Click on the chamfer box button and create chamfer box with the following size
    Place like me


    [2]-Create chamfer cylinder and convert into the editable poly now select the polygons and apply the extrude polygons with the amount of 4.4



    [3]-Your object should like this

    [4]-Create three more copy and place like me


    [5]-Create circle with the following size now place like me


    [6]-Convert the circle into the editable spline now select the segment and deleted now



    [7]-Open the rendering palette and use the following setting


    [8]-Create two more copy and palce like me

    [9]-Import the Cusion in my model colloection and palce like me

    [10]-This is my material palette and create materials like me

    [11]-Set the skylight like this with the good following parameter as shown below

    [15]-This is my final image of the bed
  2. elm3lm

    elm3lm Member

    اشكرك على ما قدمت
