New X-Trap Patch المصدر We have a new x-trap patch going live. At the time of it's release, we expect it to catch quite a few of the available hacks. We are also continuing to ban ....... through the reports we've received and through some new under cover agents here looking for ....... in game. We've made some changes to the report system but are looking to improve it even more so that we can reduce the lag and the timeouts so players from all over the world can properly report ....... once again. We definitely encourage you to keep trying and to let us know the exact details of your problem when you see it occur بدون تطويل .. هيكون فيه باتش جديد للـxtrap بيقولوا انه هيكون الافضل لكن هنشوف .. و بيقولوا انهم هيبندوا الـ....... اول بأول بحيث انك اول لما تعمل report يتبند اللى عملتله .. Lastly, we are in current discussion with the developers on potential things to discourage some of the self/grenade farming that exists in the game. While we do not have a concrete solution at this moment in time it remains something we would like to discourage as much as possible و برضه بدون تطويل انهم قابلوا المطورين و قرروا انهم يعملوا حاجات تساعد على تقليل الـfarming فى اللعبة "الـselfnade يعنى " و لكن بيوضحوا انهم ماعندهمش حل لغاية دلوقتى لكن هم هيشتغلوا على حل فى اسرع وقت