Prometheus-SRO. Private server. High rates|Silk/hour|CTF|FGW.

الموضوع في 'ايجى نت الارشيف العام' بواسطة winsnop, بتاريخ ‏6 أكتوبر 2013.

  1. winsnop

    winsnop New Member

    Prometheus-SRO is an advanced vSro private server, including so many new systems.
    You will have fun with our community hunting, fighting, Trading and much more!


    In Prometheus-SRO, we have added new features to make a smoother gaming, you can see them below:

    •Guild/Union emblem working.
    •Forgotten World working.
    •Capture the flag working.
    •Fortress war working (Hotan,Jangan,Bandit).
    •Battle Arena working.
    •Added Items Max stacks.
    •Sun weapons in NPC from D1 to D9.
    •Vigors in NPC.
    •Grap pets with 5 inventory pages.
    •Increased Job rate.
    •Increased Sox drop rate.
    •Forgotten World Talisman drop rate increased
    •Items Max stack added.
    •Removed Job/Guild penatly.
    •Forgotten World delay time reset scroll available in Item mall.
    •New Avatar dresses are available in item mall.
    •Capture the flag mobs drop (Gold,Silver,Iron,Copper) coins with a percentage rate.
    •Capture the flag Ice Trophies can be sold to any NPC for 3m Gold for each trophy.
    •Free Silks. (1Silk/hour).
    Server Information:
    Max cap: 110
    Max Skill cap: 110

    Server Rates:
    Experience rate: 100x
    Party Experience rate: 110x
    Gold drop coeficent: 15x
    Item drop coeficent: 20x
    Alchemy rate: 1.5x
    Job Rate: 40x
    Forgotten World rate: 15x
    Magic Pop rate: 1x (Normal)

    Up coming updates:

    •Adding more avatars.
    •Adding new pets.
    •Adding new titles.
    •New events will be coming.

    Start Items:

    •Butterfly dress.
    •10 Speed scrolls.
    •28 days grap pet.
    •1000 HP/MP.
    •100% Exp Ticket.
    •50% Exp Ticket.

    Join our server now and be the top player! :)

    NOTE: If your client have Silkerrsender.exe, delete it.

    Have fun! :)

    Sorry for not posting pictures. :)