بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم اسم الموقع point 2 shop نبدا الاول التسجيل http://www.points2shop.com?ref=uin1395541209 بعد ما تسجل تخلص الاعلانات فيها لو جمعت 1000 نقطة ادخل واشتري ultimate game card 10$ بعدين خش علي z8 games بعدين دوس علي deposit واختار prepaid card واختار منها ultimate game card ومبروك عليك ال 10 الاف zp و 2 ribbons نيجي للشرح بالانجليزي 1) go to the link and sign up (done) 2) complete a few offers until you make 1000 points (this is quick and easy) 3) go to redeem on amazon or just under the subsection game cards (again, this is easy to navigate to) 4)buy am ultimate game card worth 10$ us (you can do this in less than one hour) 5) go to z8 and create a new pawn account (if you don’t need the gift ribbon, you can skip this) 6) when the pawn is made go to deposit choose prepaid card and choose ultimate game card as your option. (because you just bought one) 7) send it to your good account (this will get you zp soldier and another ribbon for gifting) 8) have fun with 10,000zp and 2 new ribbons! If you keep doing this, you can actually make soo much zp that coupon and zp guns will no longer be just a dream!!! I would also suggest spending the zp on crates. You might get lucky.