
الموضوع في 'منتدى سيلك رود اون لاين Silkroad Online' بواسطة ahmed 7mama, بتاريخ ‏27 يناير 2014.

  1. ahmed 7mama

    ahmed 7mama Member

    طبعا فى بعض السيرفرات الخاصة بتكون ملفتها مشفرة او blackrouge مفيش لورد بيفتحها خالص
    بس مع BsLoader تقدر تفتح اكتر من شخصية على السيرفرات اللى كتبتها

  2. MohameD

    MohameD .:: C.E.O ::. طاقم الإدارة

    رد: BsLoader

    تسلم ايديك
  3. Over World

    Over World New Member

    رد: BsLoader

    Over World Online


    Server info
    Cap Lvl. : 130
    Server Degree :15D
    Start Items : +7
    Races : EU & CH
    Start with 100000 Silk
    Items D15 +7 FB at NPC = 1 Gold

    How can you get Coins
    Arena Coins & Over World Coins
    You can get coins from Unique in Big Unique Area , Events , CTF ==> Event So-Ok , FGW , Arena , Weekly Events And Monthly Unique Rank or Donate


    Weekly Events Time
    Weekly PVP Event [ Donators & Non Donators ] At Thursday
    Weekly Unique Event At Friday

    Fortress war Time


    -Fortress war 3 days in a week Sunday , Wednesday and Friday At 9:30 PM [GMT+2] to 11:00 PM [GMT+2]

    Capture The Flag ==> Event So-Ok
    You can get Arena Coins from killing Player [1 Coin per kill]

    -FGW Gate at Over World NPC there are many Unique and Elites inside FGW kill them to get [Arena and Over world Coins]

    Game Guide

    New NPC


















    New Unique












    Registration Link

    Download Link

    Facebook Group

  4. мἷłᾄᾗὄ

    мἷłᾄᾗὄ Active Member

    رد: BsLoader

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