باتش Only Soccer Patch 2011 v0.3.1 فقط كرة القدم 2011 تصحيح v0.3.1

الموضوع في 'منتدى شفرات وباتشات الالعاب' بواسطة احلى عيون, بتاريخ ‏1 ديسمبر 2010.

  1. باتش Only Soccer Patch 2011 v0.3.1 فقط كرة القدم 2011 تصحيح v0.3.1

    Only Soccer Patch 2011 v0.3.1
    Disinstallare la versione 0.2 seguendo la guida che trovate sotto.
    Compatibile Patch Konami 1.02 e Dlc 1.01.

    * Exe parallelo che vi consente di avere più patch
    * Aggiunta Bundesliga (Esibizione,Modifica,Master league)
    * Aggiunta Serie B giocabile (Esibizione, Modifica, Master league)
    * Tutte le rose complete della Serie A, Serie B, Premier League, Liga, Ligue 1, Bundesliga, Eredivisie
    * Tutte le rose, le maglie e i numeri ufficiali
    * Tutti i trasferimenti aggiornati a Settembre 2010
    * Aggiornate tutte le formazioni al Settembre 2010
    * Tutte le squadre hanno una rosa di almeno 22 giocatori
    * Tutti i nomi fake corretti
    * Tutti i nomi in minuscolo e giocatori con lo stesso cognome rinominati tramite iniziale del nome
    * Sistemate tutte le coppe, Inserita la coppa del mondo 2014 in Brasile e l’europeo 2012 Polonia/Ucraina
    * Aggiornate tantissime stats dei giocatori
    * Aggiunte Facce nuove
    * Sbloccati tutti gli Extra *******s
    * Nuovi Kit arbitri
    * Inseriti i replay per tutte le competizioni
    * Nuove palle, scarpe, guanti, adboard, ecc.
    * Tutti i loghi HD delle squadre
    * Aggiunta di nuovi effetti stadi(fumogeni,bandiere etc..)
    * Nuovi Tunnel Logos
    * Sponsor Reali nella Master league
    * Banner per alcune squadre
    * Nuove Previews Stadi
    * Nuovi manti erbosi per alcuni stadi
    * Altre novità in futuro!



    * Parallel .Exe that allows you to have multiple patches
    * Added Bundesliga (Edit, Exhibition, Master League)
    * Added B-Series playable (Exhibition, Edit, Master League)
    * All complete roses of the Series A, Series B, Premier League, Liga, Ligue 1, Bundesliga, Eredivisie
    * All roses, jerseys and the official numbers
    * All transfers updated for September 2010
    * Updated all the training in September 2010
    * All teams have a range of at least 22 players
    * All fake ****s corrected
    * All ****s in lowercase and players with the same sur**** with the first ****s re****d
    * Place all the cups, inserted the 2014 World Cup in Brazil and Europe 2012 Poland / Ukraine
    * Updated many of the players stats
    * Added New faces
    * Unlock all Extra *******s
    * New referees Kits
    * Submissions replays for all competitions
    * New balls, boots, gloves, adboards, etc..
    * All logos HD teams
    * Add new stadium effects (smoke, flags, etc. ..)
    * New Tunnel Logos
    * Real Sponsores in Master league
    * Banners for some teams
    * New Stadiums Previews
    * New turf for some stadium
    * Other new features in the future!

    Download Only Soccer Patch 2011 v0.3.1: (all in one)

  2. MohameD

    MohameD .:: C.E.O ::. طاقم الإدارة

    رد: باتش Only Soccer Patch 2011 v0.3.1 فقط كرة القدم 2011 تصحيح v0.3.1

    والله طرح رائع
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    YASMENA Active Member

    رد: باتش Only Soccer Patch 2011 v0.3.1 فقط كرة القدم 2011 تصحيح v0.3.1

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  4. حودة الصعيدى

    حودة الصعيدى Active Member

    رد: باتش Only Soccer Patch 2011 v0.3.1 فقط كرة القدم 2011 تصحيح v0.3.1

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  5. toty0hamdy

    toty0hamdy New Member

    رد: باتش Only Soccer Patch 2011 v0.3.1 فقط كرة القدم 2011 تصحيح v0.3.1

  6. toty0hamdy

    toty0hamdy New Member

    رد: باتش Only Soccer Patch 2011 v0.3.1 فقط كرة القدم 2011 تصحيح v0.3.1
