الكورس المتميز Tell Me More الشامل 10 مستويات كامله لجميع اللغات - تحميل مباشر على أكثر من سيرفر

الموضوع في 'ايجى نت الارشيف العام' بواسطة hesham1983, بتاريخ ‏6 ابريل 2014.

  1. hesham1983

    hesham1983 Guest

    الكورس المتميز Tell Me More الشامل 10 مستويات كامله لجميع اللغات - تحميل مباشر على أكثر من سيرفر

    Tell Me More All Language Collection




    الكورس من افضل الكورسات عالميا
    ويحتوى على 10 مستويات كامله بعون الله
    ويشرح اللغة من حيث القرأة والكتابة وايضا الاستماع و ايضا القواعد الخاصة باللغة الانجليزية
    مدة الكورس تزيد عن 2000 ساعه من الشرح
    وايضا يوجد اكثر من 10.000 تمرين
    والعديد من المفاجأت لمن يريد ان يتقن اللغه الانجليزية

    Learn English in an interactive and engaging way with up to 10 levels and More than 40 different activities.TELL ME More version 10 will allow you to master the English language and reach fluency, providing you with the most complete and extensive * to learn a language. Tell ME More English is the only English software that truly covers all of the skills used in learning English: not only reading, writing, listening, and speaking, but also grammar, vocabulary and cultureThe new Tell ME More version 10 is a true milestone in language learning. Developed by a team of language experts, Tell ME More leverages the renowned Communicative Approach, a methodology used in schools and universities around the world. Learn a language with Tell ME More and join More than 7 million users worldwide, including Fortune 500 companies, Global 1,000 companies, and More than 10,000 academic institutions and countless government agencies.95% of learners have improved at least one level.*(....d on IDC Study)The latest in speech recognition technology is included, giving you an even More effective way to assess your English pronunciation. Youa??ll improve your English conversation skills with interactive dialogues, graphs and 3D animated feedback features.

    New User Interface
    The clean lines, uncluttered screens, simple icons, tight color scheme and overall usability makes your language learning fun and easy.

    New Activity
    The Virtual Conversation activity engages you in an interactive conversation environment featuring a variety of characters.

    New Tracking Tools
    Visualize your progress throughout the entire program.

    - Contains 10 distinct levels of *, from Beginner to Advanced.
    - 20 hours of interactive video.
    - 20,000 exercises that keep your learning fresh and engaging.

    - An exclusive Progress Test to evaluate your progress.
    - A 24/7 Online Adviser.

    - The most advanced speech recognition on the market, allowing you to significantly improve your pronunciation.
    - S.E.T.S. (Spoken Error Tracking System) technology that pinpoints mispronounced words.
    - A role play activity that allows you to play a character in an original TV series.

    - Learn with your Pocket PC (videos, audio files, cultural texts, etc.)
    - Learn with your MP3 player (Including iPods and other MP3 devices)
    - Learn with audio CDs that you create
    - Learn with printable vocabulary lists and grammatical explanations



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