Hi guys! I'd like to tell you some very interesting tips about the Black-market in Crossfire. My first tip is to spin your crates just a little bit behind the half so you have the best chances to win a permanent weapon. That's the best way to win a permanent weapon in CF. In this way, I have won 15 permanent Black-market weapons. Another useful tip is to buy crates with your bonus points on the homepage. In my opinion, these crates are better than the normal ones, because I've won 5 weapons from them; 2 Anaconda ADV's 2 Deagle Camos and 1 AUG cam. If you are good enough for a Pro clan, you should join one of them, because the most Pro clans have sponsors. They get their Z8points from them and dont have to pay for it. Or, you can do some free offers on the free ZP site. I do the Sometrics/Game Coins offers, because they have the best customer service. Most of the offers only take a few minutes, and give you anywhere between 400 to 1500 Z8 Points. So, use this chance to get ZP. That's what I can tell you about the Blackmarket in Crossfire. I hope I've helped you a bit, and I look forward to seeing your name in-game with a permanent weapon. boyka