لعبة السباق والمغامرات Mad Dogs On The Road بحجم 40 ميجا

الموضوع في 'منتدى العاب الكمبيوتر الكاملة' بواسطة feisty, بتاريخ ‏19 يوليو 2014.

  1. feisty

    feisty Active Member

    .. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ..

    لعبة السباق والمغامرات Mad Dogs On The Road بحجم 40 ميجا



    Mad Dogs On The Road
    Mad Dogs On the Road - several tough guys have made up their minds to make money in shipping illegal goods. They say that Joe the Minor, who has recently been released from jail, is now in the business again! He and his friends have decided to start an illicit business. The deal is to buy illegal goods in one town and sell them in another town. They bought a new customized car all covered by armor, and now are travelling from one town to another making lots of money.

    System Requirements

    Microsoft Windows NT/2000/XP/7 or better
    Pentium 200mhz or better
    64 MB RAM
    15 MB hard drive space
    800x600 display resolution mode or higher
    High or true color highly recommended
    DirectX 5.0 or better

    .. مساحة اللعبة 40 ميجا ..


    Filedwon / Flexydrive

    .. تم بحمد الله ..
  2. MohameD

    MohameD .:: C.E.O ::. طاقم الإدارة

    رد: لعبة السباق والمغامرات Mad Dogs On The Road بحجم 40 ميجا
