Over World Online PVP/ Cap 130 - D15 New Skill and more

الموضوع في 'ايجى نت الارشيف العام' بواسطة Over World, بتاريخ ‏24 يوليو 2014.

  1. Over World

    Over World New Member

    [frame="15 70"]Over World Online[/frame]

    Server info
    Cap Lvl. : 130
    Server Degree :15D
    Start Items : +7
    Race : EU & CH
    Start with 100000 Silk
    Coins System

    How can you get Coins
    Arena Coins & Over World Coins
    You can get coins from Uniques in Big Unique Area , Events , CTF ==> Event So-Ok , FGW , Arena and Weekly Events or Donate

    Weekly Events Time
    Weekly PVP Event [ Donators & Non Donators ] At Thursday
    Weekly Unique Event At Friday

    Fortress war Time
    -Fortress war 3 days in a week Sunday , Wednesday and Friday At 9:30 PM [GMT+2] to 11:00 PM [GMT+2]

    Capture The Flag [Event So-Ok]
    You can get Arena Coins from killing Player [1 Coin per kill]

    -FGW Gate at Over World NPC there are many Unique and Elites inside FGW kill them to get [Arena and Over world Coins]

    Some Screen Shot


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  2. Over World

    Over World New Member

    رد: Over World Online PVP/ Cap 130 - D15 New Skill and more

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