عاجل عن سيرفر UTOPIA قامت الشركه باصدار باتش 5956 منذ قليل و تم افتتاح السيرفر الجديد UTOPIA و يمكن للعيبه الذين قامو بالتسجيل بدخول السيرفر بكل سهوله مميزات السيرفر تم شرحه من قبل شرح السيرفر الجديد UTOPIA كما اعلنت عنه الشركه Utopian Credit Rebate (8/26 - 9/2): Players who credit a certain amount to their accounts will be rewarded with bonus gift packs, including Meteor Scrolls, tons of Silvers, +6 Stone, even a Blessed Fatal Allure! Utopian Super Guild War (8/29 - 9/26): On Aug. 29th, Sep. 5th, 12th, 19th, and 26th, there'll be 5 rounds of the Utopian Super Guild War going on! Up to 20,000 CPs are waiting for you! Utopian Special First Credit Pack: All players who credit for the first time to their account on the Utopia server will be rewarded with a special pack worth 10,000 CPs, which includes 1,000 Chi Points, Favored Training Pills, Promotion Gift, 100,000 Silvers, Double EXP Potions, Penitence Amulets, 7-day Fatal Allure, 30 days of Heaven's Blessing and Sash(S). Free 2nd-Rebirth (8/26 - 9/26): Every day you can login to the game and sign in at the special emissary, where you'll be rewarded with precious rewards, including an Exemption Token(B)! Check out what you will get just by signing in! Special Utopian Sales (8/26 - 9/2): The Merchant Pakku will be sent to Twin City (311,288), offering heroes a ton of discounted items! Utopian Chi & Jiang Hu Special Rebates (8/26 - 9/8): all players who consume a certain amount of Chi Points will have a chance to gain up to a 50% rebate! players who train their Jiang Hu using CPs or Training Pills will receive bonus points. When your consumed points reach a certain amount, you'll be able to claim gift boxes by clicking the "Reward" button, in-game. The more you train, the better gifts you'll receive! بالتوفيق للجميع Mark.0nline WwW.EgyNT.NeT