الموضوع في 'مشاكل و طلبات crossfire' بواسطة boyka, بتاريخ 22 سبتمبر 2014.
You have played 0 hours and 0 minutes on the New Maps
رد: You have played 0 hours and 0 minutes on the New Maps دي عند كل الناس
رد: You have played 0 hours and 0 minutes on the New Maps اتصلحت خلاص خش دلوقتى و هتلاقيها تمام
رد: You have played 0 hours and 0 minutes on the New Maps ^_^
رد: You have played 0 hours and 0 minutes on the New Maps اوك تمام
أفصل بين الأسماء بفاصلة.